来源 :中华考试网 2020-06-01
中customers' value客户价值(客户凭自己对某些产品的观感,衡量该产品的价值° 客户价值不一定与产品成本之类的价值计算法挂钩)亦作customer value
例: Customers' values and altitudes will change over time, so il is important for a company to keep ahead of devclopmcnls-顾客价值与观念随着时代的不同而改变,因此走 在时代前面对一个公司来说至关重:要。
例;The car was a standard model which had been customized to provide greater luxury and perlormancc. 辆轿车是用标准型号根据顾客的具体要求改通的,更加豪华,性 能更佳
customized approach 迎合顾客需要的方式(方法),等于 customer-focused way 例: The information can give you a competitive edge or at least a more customized approach io solving lhe prospective clientT s problem.这些信息可以使你获得竞争优势.或 至少能为你提供一种以顾客需要为本的方式,更有针对性地解决潛在客户的问题°
例: But cut-price imports started io come in and it wasn't long before the market was pretty much saturated.削价出售的进口商品一开始涌入,市场很快就相当饱和了。
cutting edge尖端的,先逬的
例: Cutting-edge advances and practical applications have made the country's telecommunications industry a world leader, surpassing ail others in sophistication and service. 尖 端技术的进展和实际应用使这个国家的电信业雄踞世界之首,在技术先进性和服务方 面均超过了其他国家。
cyberspace 网络空间
例: The result is that dozens of airlines, hotel groups, car rental films and rail operalors nre laying out their wares in cyberspace with Websites on the Internet.其结果是, 许多 航空公司、洒店集团、汽车出租公司和铁路营运公司纷纷在因特网上建立网站,将其 业务扩展到网络空间。
例:They will wonder why cyberspeak seeped so rapidly into the speech and writing of that era.他们会想知道,网络用语为什么能这么快渗入那个时代的口头和书面语。
例:The plaintiff was awarded damages.原告被判给损害赔偿金。
damaged claim损害赔偿要求,毁损索赔
例: After the storm the insurance company received damaged claims from householders whose property had been affected.暴风雨过后保险公司接到房地产受损住户的损害赔 偿要求。
danger money危险工作津贴
例:The workers unloading explosives were paid danger money in addition to their wages.卸放炸药的工人在工资之外还有危险工作津贴。
date and time stamp (可拨动时间、日期的)日戳
例: A date and time stamp puts the date and the time on letters which have been received. 用日戳在收到的信件上盖上时冋和日期。
dawn raid黎明突袭(在股市开市头几分钟内不声张、突袭式地大批买进一家公司 的股票)
例:The company carried out a damn raid on the shares of an international company.这 家公司对一家国际公司的股票发起黎明突袭。
day care日间托儿站
例:She has plans to return to work as soon as her daughter is old enough to go into day care.她计划等女儿够上日间托儿站的年龄,就回公司工作。
dead capital死资本,呆滞资本,无利资本
例: Unless you invest wisely you will end up with too much money as dead capital.除非 你明智地投资,否则到头来会有太多的钱成为死资本。
例:Monday is the deadline for the report.报告最迟要在星期一交来°
dealer 1 供应商
例:He is with a vehicle dealer.他受雇于一家汽车供应商c
dealer 2 (外汇、股票市场的)交易员
例: All the dealers are doing business simultaneously on different telephones, and when large tramaci ions are completed the rates may change, whereupon the other dealers must be brought up to date immediately.所科的交易员都同时在用不同电话做交易,当大宗 交易成交时,汇率可能变化,因此其他交易员得立刻反映、报吿景新价格。
dealership 1经销特许权
dealership 2特许经销商
例: Please detail information of lhe person nominated as general manager of the authorized dealership.请提供授权特许经销商总经理提名人选的详细资料。
dealings 交易
例 1: The two companies have had dealing with each other over many years.这两家公 司彼此已有多年的业务往来。
例 2: In many cases, failure could have been avoided 订 the owners had applied sound financial principles to all their dealing and decisions.在许多时候,只要企业所有者将正 确的财务原则应用到交易和决策中,失败本来是弓以避免的C
dear money高息贷款
例: Many small firm are feeling the impact of dear money and art being forced out of business.许多小公司受到高息贷款的彩响,相继被迫停业。
debenture 公司债券
例:2001 /20C9 written behind a debenture means that it is redeemable during that time. 公司债券背面所写的2001 /2009的字样表明该债券在此期间均可兑现。
例;Accounts in debit will be charged interest at a rate of 8,2 per cent,借记账户所收取 的利率为8.2%。
debit card借记卡.扣账卡(由银行签发、用于支付购物或服务费用的一种磁性塑 料卡.支付时自动从持卡人银行账户中扣除。借记卡可用于超级市场、加油站和 百货商店中的零倍点终端机的结算)
例: In addition to that, they still have the usual amenities such as debit, credit and cash cards and a cheque book.除此之外,他们仍然可以享受通常的便利手段,如借记卡、 信用卡、现金卡和支票簿等。
debt recovery债务回收,债务回购,债务重组
debt-t^GDP ratio债务率(指债务占国内生产总值的比率)
例: Another approach would be to set a rule obliging governments to maintain a constant debt-to-GDP ratio.另一种途径是制定条例,要求政府保持稳定的债务率。
decision-making meeting 决策会议
例: We had a decision-making meeting yesterday to ^ree on the launch date for our new product.昨天我们开了一个决策会议,商定新产品投放市场的具体日期。
例:Employees deduct personal expenses incurred on the card and add mrporate expenses paid for in cash.由员工扣除在卡上发生的个人费用,加进用现金支付的公司费用。
例; When the house was sold, the deeds were transferred to the new owner. 房屋出售 后,房契(房产证)即转给新房主。
deep pockets 雄厚的财力
例:They are all huge multi-nationals and naturally have very deep pockets •他们都是大 型跨国公司.自然财力雄厚。
default 1不履行法律责任
例:Our opponents dicin't turn up, so we won by default .对手不到庭被视为缺席,我 们因此而胜诉。
default 2 建约
例: The seller was in default because he failed to supply the goods at the time he was contracted to do so.卖方没有按合同规定的时间供货,属于违约个
default 3拖欠债务
例 1: Default on loan repayments would lead to the banks laying down even stricter conditions in the future.拖欠还贷会使银行在将来制定更严格的贷款条件。
例 2: This course outlines how to take legal action against a company that defaults on its repayments,这门课介绍如何对拖欠还款的公司提起诉讼。
例:The country faced with mounting trade deficits.那个国家面临大量的贸易赤字。
defraud 诈骗
例:She was defrauded of £ 5 000 by a dishonest accountant-她被不诚实的会计师骗 去5 000英镑。
degree of local adaptation required 本土化要求程度 '
例: Any new development involves risk, the greater the degree af local adaptation required ,the greater the risk of failure.开发任何一个(国外市场)新项目都会有风险, 本土化要求程度越髙,不成功的风险就越大。
delivery charge 送货费
例: We regret to inform cusTomers of an increase in delivery charges .我 1" 1 很遗憾地通知 客户,送货费将授高。
delivery note 送货单
例:When the goods are delivered, the delivery note is often enclosed.送货时,通常会 附上送货单。
例:This is Britannica CD 2000 Deluxe Edilion.这是豪华版的2000年大英百科全书光 盘O
demand curve需求曲线
例: The line on a graph which shows the relationship between prices and consumer demand is called the demand curve.曲线,表上显示价格和消费需求关系的线条称佐需求 曲线。
例: Advertisir^ is designed to dispose a person to buy a product, to change minds, or even to advocate less consuming ‘ demarketing ‘ .广告目的在于使人们产生购买产品欲 望,改变消费观念,有些广告甚至宣传降低消费某些产品(即“反营销”)。
demi-pension (法)半寄宿式酒店服务(提供住宿、早餐和一顿主餐)
例:Demi-pension includes bed, breakfast and lunch or dinner-半寄宿式酒店服务提供 住宿、早餐、午餐或晚餐。