


来源 :中华考试网 2016-06-06


  The Proliferating Tip 得寸进尺

  Identification You’ve got a deal basically agreed upon. The other side comes back and asks for something small, an insignificant thing that it would be silly to stop the deal over. Then they asked for another. And another. These are the tips you pay to get the deal done.

  Note The tips you pay in this situation are more annoying than substantive. But over the long term, they can really eat away at you level of gratification. Please note that this tip doesn’t mean anything large or deal-breaking thrust on you at the end of a negotiation. A tip is a small thing, something no one would balk over.

  Solution Have a tip list of your own ready. Every time they ask for one thing, offer to give it to them if they give you something on your list in return, Over time, They’ll get tired of pestering you for tips – particularly if these tips are costing them more than they are getting.

