


来源 :中华考试网 2018-04-19


  Lin Fen: Meimei! Let’s go out to dinner tonight.

  Meimei: 26 And I want to try something special.

  Lin Fen: How about having a taste of western food?

  Meimei: That sounds fine. What restaurant shall we go to?

  Lin Fen: Let’s go to a popular restaurant here—Pizza House. 27

  Meimei: Fantastic! It can make us relaxed. But I’ve never been there before. 28

  Lin Fen: Never mind. I will show you how to do it.

  Meimei: That’s very nice of you. 29

  Lin Fen: We can have many other kinds of western food, such as fried chicken, Italian noodles…

  Meimei: I love noodles. I often have them at home.

  Lin Fen: So do I. But in Pizza House, they’re cooked in many different ways. 30

  Meimei: I can’t wait. Let’s go.


  You’re welcome.

  B. Good idea.

  C. And they are all delicious.

  D. By the way, what else can we have besides pizza?

  E. We can also enjoy the soft music.

  F. I know only a little about western table manners.


  Ma Lan: Hi, Tao Jie! The summer vacation is coming.

  Tao Jie: Yeah! We have plenty of time to relax now. 31 ?

  Ma Lan: I’m going to Tibet with my parents.

  Tao Jie: That’s cool! I’m always dreaming of going to Tibet.

  Ma Lan: 32 ? If so, we can have lots of fun together.

  Tao Jie: Yes. I’d love to. But how long will it be for the trip?

  Ma Lan: Ten days.

  Tao Jie: Can you tell me 33 it costs?

  Ma Lan: About 5000 yuan each person.

  Tao Jie: But there is another problem. It’s not easy to find a proper hotel.

  Ma Lan: Don’t worry. I have got lots of information about hotels on the internet.

  Tao Jie: Sounds like a good plan. But I need to 34 it with my parents first.

  Ma Lan: OK. I really think Tibet is a good 35 to visit.

  Tao Jie: I think so. If my parents agree. I will let you know.

