


来源 :中华考试网 2017-05-25

  § Headword

  § Synonym

  § 汉译

  § Antonym

  § symbiotic

  § interdependent

  § 共生的

  § Some of those carbon products transfer from the roots tosymbiotic fungi and soil microbes, which store the carbon in the soil as humus.

  § interaction

  § collaboration

  § 相互作用

  § But you only get the maximum benefit if you implement all of them, because their power comes from their interaction.

  § parasitism

  § 寄生状态

  § Moreover, the marriage insurance condemns her to life-long dependency, to parasitism, to complete uselessness, individual as well as social.

  § commensalism

  § 共栖

  § Otherwise, choosing market segmenting and niche so as to change the relationship from competition tocommensalism and reciprocity between first-mover and second-mover should be a good choice.

  § mutualism

  § 互助

  § The principles of mutualism is rare in modern architecture, but it can tackle unsexy problems like efficiency and cost.

  § organism

  § 有机体

  § In any situation, you have a variety of pressures on anorganism: What is the atmosphere, is there food available, what is the competition for resources?

  § biological

  § 生物的

  § It means that if I have a biological cell, or some container with a membrane through which one of the constituents might pass.

  § derive

  § 起源于

  § These dynamic and static models could be used to derive all the read methods too, if we went through every permutation that you enumerated in your analysis.

  § parasite

  § 寄生虫

  § The idea is that these genes could be hitched to others that mess with the parasite's life cycle and make those spread as well.

  § tapeworm

  § 蛔虫

  § The plan is to allow the tapeworm to live in you for up to 10 weeks, and then take prescribed medication to kill it.

  § intestine

  § 肠

  § According to the scientists, there are similar sweet receptors in hormone-producing cells in the intestine and pancreas. There, they affect metabolism and the absorption of nutrients.

  § absorb

  § assimilate

  § 吸收

  § Not only do they provide goods and livelihoods but they also protect soils, regulate water and absorb carbon.

  § nutrient

  § 营养品

  § We need to ensure that our enduring legacy is not to wipe out the small things that provide us with great benefits such as nutrient recycling and climate regulation.

  § defensive

  § protective

  § 防御的

  § Aggressive

  § Accessors for immutable properties will always have value semantics and do not need the defensive copying on either side of the call, making them more efficient.

  § chemical

  § 化学的

  § We know they smear a liquid on the tube, but we don’t know where they secrete it from or what its chemical composition is.

  § toxic

  § poisonous

  § 有毒的

  § Nontoxic

  § If you have pets or children, please note that some plants aretoxic.

  § bacterial

  § 细菌的

  § Scientists should then be able to predict whichbacterial components will make the best drug targets — and which candidate drugs will hit those targets most effectively.

  § vertebrate

  § 脊椎动物的

  § He and colleagues from the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology in Beijing set out to look for them in fossils of ancient birds and dinosaurs, including Sinosauropteryx.

  § immune

  § 免疫的

  § If stress affects immune responses, then it should also affect how well the body heals itself.

  § multiple

  § various

  § 多种多样的

  § Single

  § These suites have served you well throughout the development process and in multiple environments.

  § deliberate

  § thoughtful

  § 深思熟虑的

  § This can happen for a variety of reasons, and these reasons can be unintended as well as deliberate.

  § expanse

  § 宽阔的区域

  § There is nothing quite like experiencing the wide expanse of the ocean and the endless acres of sand on a Friday morning with my son to remind me how much I have to be grateful for.

  § virus

  § 病毒

  § It therefore presents an excellent opportunity not only to screen for HIV, but also to educate and advise about the dangers of the virus.

  § mosquito

  § 蚊子

  § They hope this will help in developing better mosquito attractants that will divert them away from humans and reduce the threat of malaria infection.

  § devastate

  § ravage

  § 毁坏

  § Monsoons, droughts, depleted groundwater resources, and typhoons devastate poor countries because they’re in too deep a hole economically to reduce their risk, he says.

  § deadliest

  § 最致命的

  § The outbreak in Angola is the largest and deadliest on record for this rare disease, which is presently showing a case fatality rate higher than 90%.

  § genotype

  § 基因型

  § A common problem in studies attempting to relate genetics with a particular behavior is that a particular genotype might only confer a very small risk.

  § offspring

  § 后代

  § Despite the low rate of success at the market, parents cling to the hope that they will find a suitable match for their offspring.

  § resist

  § confront

  § 抵制

  § I believe that the reason that most shops drift towards and then away from Agile development is that it is the natural rhythm of software development and it is hard to resist it.

  § perish

  § disappear

  § 消失

  § We fight against the idea of allowing even the most weak and sickly human perish and do everything we can to keep human beings alive

  § stabilized

  § 稳定的

  § Much of what both countries did was not public or visible in the early days of the crisis, but we did end up with good stimulus packages, reassured the markets, andstabilized bonded credit systems.

  § unaffected

  § unmoved

  § 不受影响的

  § The intent is to show that only the process or the thread executing the transaction is affected, while the overall transaction manager remains unaffected and available for other kinds of work.

  § association

  § league

  § 联合

  § The next article in this series will show how to establish this association and how you might use this integration.

  § inadvertently

  § accidentally

  § 非故意地

  § One night during C4, someone inadvertently helped me see this when he described to me the nature of his work: "Coding the basic functionality is the easy part.

  § hinder

  § obstruct

  § 阻碍

  § It was then that the ecstasy and the dream began, in which emotion was the matter of the universe, and matter but an adventitious intrusion likely to hinder you from spinning where you wanted to spin.

  § nitrogen

  § 氮

  § All of these from the group one and two through the group five and six elements, but what about elements, what about molecules like hydrogen, or nitrogen, or maybe oxygen?

  § pollinator

  § 传粉者

  § When scientists delve into studies of the co-evolution of plants and their pollinators, they have something of a chicken/egg problem—which evolved first, the plant or itspollinator?

  § mutualistic

  § 互助论

  § For instance, the southern pine beetle is known to carry around amutualistic fungus that digests the insides of pine trees the beetle invades.

  § carbohydrate

  § 碳水化合物

  § There have been no studies of the effects of a lowcarbohydrate diet on pregnancy, so its effect on the fetus, if any, are unknown

  § enzyme

  § 酶

  § This enzyme accumulates in the larvae to a level where it becomes toxic and kills them.

  § catalyst

  § 催化剂

  § If I should happen to be a catalyst more than others, I consider that a tribute to those who have inspired me.

  § hollow

  § empty

  § 空洞的

  § We don’t know for sure what’s under our earth’s crust but this theory completely forgets to mention where the magma that erupts from volcanoes comes from if the earth ishollow.

  § leaflet

  § 小叶 传单

  § Promote your event or issue in a leaflet delivered by volunteers by ad mail, or by direct mail.

  § herbivore

  § 草食动物

  § You probably would call me a vegetarian. But scientists call me a herbivore because I only eat leaves, grass and other plants.

  § highlight

  § emphasize

  § 使 ... 显得重要

  § The point of the story is to highlight how far the scientific community and the government have to go to raise awareness about space weather and its effects.

