


来源 :中华考试网 2017-05-20


  § Headword

  § Synonym

  § 汉译

  § Antonym

  § infant

  § newborn

  § 婴儿

  § Because of this experiment and others like it, we now know much more aboutinfant memory.

  § perception

  § 感知力

  § And when they do, what do you think their perception will be?

  § technique

  § approach, method

  § 技术方式

  § The development of production impels us continuously to study technique.

  § stimuli

  § provocation

  § 刺激

  § He designs plans and policies which cannot be interpreted as merely being automatic reactions to stimuli.

  § verbalize

  § speak

  § 用语言表达

  § The gift was so apparently an offering of love he could not verbalize that I would throw my arms around him and kiss him--an act that undoubtedly perpetuated his behavior.

  § questionnaire

  § 调查问卷

  § During this second session, volunteers were given the same questionnaire as in the first, with one small difference.

  § indirect

  § roundabout

  § 间接的

  § direct, straight,straightforward

  § You are to be given one method of communication with your rival, albeitindirect communication.

  § and so forth

  § and so on, etc.

  § 等等

  § And then I also think of Google as a cultural phenomenon in and of itself, you know, the lava lamps and the way in which Google is run and so forth. That’s how I like to think about it.

  § prior to

  § before

  § 在... 之前

  § To address this factor, we preloaded each of the users into the portal prior to releasing the site live.

  § introduction

  § 引入

  § The second or third question in virtually any introduction is, “So, what do you do?

  § indication

  § clue, sign, suggestion

  § 指示, 标志

  § While most people took that as a good thing, to me it was an indication almost of how hopelessly difficult the whole thing is going to be.

  § uniformly

  § consistently, regularly

  § 无变化地, 均匀地

  § Because adding water to the oceans is not like adding it to a lake or a pond or even a bathtub, where the level rises everywhere uniformly.

  § repetitive

  § 重复的

  § This feature is especially useful when you need to automate a repetitive task; you can have SMIT create the proper command-line sequence, and you can then use those commands in your own script.

  § motor activity

  § 肌肉活动

  § Anna Freud articulates that there is the mechanism of motor activity, and we would say in effect that it is not absent from this dream, because this is the way that we get to know it.

  § blink

  § 眨眼

  § Two hundred years seems like the blink of an eye in the history of Chinese civilization.

  § unreliable

  § 不可靠的

  § If they sided with their Muslim friends, they were regarded as unreliable. In spite of their Muslim faith, they were after all Chinese!

