


来源 :中华考试网 2016-10-14

  1. blow someone off: 不搭理、拒绝、让某人一直等着

  · She's going to blow off John because she's not interested in him. =不搭理

  · The party was full of losers so she blew it off. =cancel

  2. check out someone:打量

  Why don't we go and check out those cute girls?

  3. come on to :吸引某人、跟某人调情=flirt

  She felt bold and confident enough to come on to him at the party.

  4. fix someone up to :安排约会

  I thought you didn't like her and had fixed her up with your friend Paul.

  5. hit it off:相处很融洽

  I took her to dinner and we totally hit it off.

  6. let someone down easy: 不伤害别人

  · No bloody way = Letting them down hard

  · Sorry I won't be in town = Let down easy

  · The teacher knew that Paul would have to repeat the course and that there was no way to let him down easy.

  7. on the rebound: 恋爱空档期

  Jeremy just broke up with his girlfriend, it looks like Jane is trying to catch him on the rebound!

  8. pick up line: 泡妞用的台词

  · I'm not drunk, I'm just intoxicated by you.

  · Your body is a wonderland and I want to be Alice.

  9. play hard to get:故意摆架子(表明说不其实内心一阵狂喜)

  I cannot tell whether she doesn't like me or if she is playing hard to get.

  10.strike out to : 失败

  Every time Benny asks a girl, he strikes out. Maybe he is too aggressive.

