来源 :中华考试网 2016-06-07
1. 重要的名詞
discovery, cloud, mineral, metal, material, substance, population, efforts, effect, animal, plant, mammal, insect, tree, herb, shrub, element, function, feature, picture, result, clue, star, reason, audience, device, structure, human, human being, system, fashion, resource, source, origin, pioneer, automobile, purpose, style, response, number, amount, variety, quantity, type, kind, influence, emotion, change
① 流体:air, smoke, coffee, oil
② 自然现象:thunder, weather, darkness, [a heavy rain, raindrops]
③ 微粒:sugar, salt, rice, powder, dust
④ 抽象名词:intelligence(情报), evidence, wisdom, advice
⑤ 学科:mathematics, economics, statistics (统计学,作统计数据讲时可数), physics, politics, mechanics, genetics遗传学, geology, geography, chemistry, philosophy, biology, history
⑥ 医学疾病:measles(麻疹), mumps(腮腺炎), diabetes(糖尿病)
⑦ 总称名词:furniture, luggage, clothing, equipment, poetry, jewelry, machinery, weaponry, scenery, information, knowledge, homework, evidence, foliage, advertising(广告业), health
例题: 交易
Historians (believe that) some (forms) of (an advertising) must be as old (as barter) and trade.
答案: C an advertisingàadvertising
man/men, woman/women, tooth/teeth, foot/feet, goose/geese, basis/bases, analysis/analyses, crisis/crises, hypothesis/hypotheses, axis/axes, alga/algae, larva/larvae, fungus/fungi, stimulus/stimuli, datum/data, bacterium/bacteria, medium/media, spectrum/spectra, mouse/mice, child/children, phenomenon/phenomena
aircraft, spacecraft, series, species, means,(sheep, deer, bison, salmon, trout, carp, fish)
clothes, fireworks, riches, wages, ashes, thanks, sweets, scissors, spectacles, trousers
集合名词:people(人们,作民族时可数), folk(人们), cattle(牛), police, livestock(牲畜)
air- airs(气派) good(好处,利益)- goods(货物) part- parts(才能,划线永远对)
mean(均值/中间)- means(手段/财富) arm- arms(武器) custom(习俗)- customs(海关)
letter- letters(文学) spectacle(光景)- spectacles(眼镜) force- forces(武装部队)
water- waters(水域,划线永远对) sky- skies(气候)
sugar, cloth, detail, light, science, form, interest, color, disease, illness, rock, stone, matter, food, culture, noise, liquid, solid, gas, climate, film, material, population, temperature, experience, speech, use, life, action
work(工作,作品)- works(工厂,工程,工事,著作) area(面积)- areas(区域,领域)
time(时间)- times(倍数,此书,时代) paper(纸)- papers(报告,文件)
collection(不同种收藏品组成的集)- collections(同种藏品的集) room(空间)- rooms(房间)
18 pieces of newspaper/ 18 newspapers (报纸种类) art/ in art/ .be described as an art/ all arts
注意:* 当不可数名词与种类相关时可转化为可数名词:a vacuum, a liquid, foods, beverages(饮料)