


来源 :华课网校 2018-05-02



  能阅读法语 have a reading knowledge in French

  熟练掌握英语have a good command of English


  This is to request your consideration of my qualification for the position of …


  My four years in… qualify me for the position of..

  My four years’experience in…makes me confident that am qualified for the position of..


  Because of my several years’experience as a…、I feel I can qualify for the position of..


  My college education should merit your consideration.


  I might be well qualified for the position of …


  May I come in for an interview at your convenience?

  May I have an interview?

  Would it be convenient to talk to you?

  若能安排面谈不胜感激。I should be grateful for an opportunity to talk with you.

  我得知您正在物色做某种工作的人选 I notice that you are looking for someone to work as ….

  本人想申请销售代理人之职。I wish to apply for the position of sales representative.

  我就读于……并在该校获博士学位(于三年前毕业。) I was educated at… where I got my Ph.D.degree(from which I graduated three years ago.)

  我目前做····工作(受雇于I am employed as(in…)

  现在的收人为… My current salary is…

  要求月薪不少于一千元 I would insist on a salary of at least yuan per month.

  希望每月薪水为两千元(得到高薪) I should expect a salary of , yuan per month. ( a fairly high salary )

  我的证明人是… My referees are…

  对本期电视报登载的招聘职员的广告很感兴趣 I am particularly interested in applying for the post of a clerk advertised in this week’s issue of “TV Guide”.

  毕业后我曾一直任教职,以后又…… Since leaving school I have been employed by…as a full-time teacher,then,later as a …

  现在想调走,只为…… I wish to leave now only because…

  提升的机会渺茫 the opportunities for promotion are too limited.

  某先生愿意做我的证明人 Mr. … has agreed to act as my referee.

  现将证明人的姓名,地址,电话号码写人本人简历一并寄上。 I have included my referees’ names, addresses and phone numbers in my curriculum vitae.

  望能面谈 I hope very much that you will give me the opportuny of an interview.

  见到贵校的英语教师招聘广告大喜过望,因为这是我多年的愿望。I was thrilled to read your advertisement for a teacher of English because it has always been my ambition to work in your school as a teacher.

  我想调离目前任教的学校,因为那里用老式的教学方法使我厌烦。I want to leave the school where I am teaching now because the old-fashioned teaching method has irked me.

  我过去的雇主对我评价很高。My former employers all spoke very high of my work.

  我在本部门是公认的勤奋工作人员。I was always considered an Industrious worker in my department.

  将在面试时细谈 I’ll arrange… with you at the interView.

  我的证明人是我校两位受人尊敬的教师。My referees are two of the most respected teachers in our school.

  我的证明人的诚实是勿庸质疑的。My referee’s honesty is beyond dispute.

  我敢说您若赋我此职不会错的。I am sure if I am given the job you will never regret it.

  我对面试很有信。I look forward confidently to the interview.

  Write al刚er to apply for the status肪a visiting scholar.询问是否有可能 write to inquire abou working opportunity as a…

