


来源 :华课网校 2017-01-22


  There are many cats in England. English people are very friendly to all their cats.

  Mary was a school teacher. She had a beautiful white cat, and she loved it very much. But a very sad thing happened one day. A rich man’s car over the cat, and that was the end of the cat. Mary ran out onto the road.

  “Oh, you poor, dear thing!” She cried. “What shall I do without you? You were the light of my life.”

  The rich man stopped his car and came back. He put his arms around Mary and said, “I’m very sorry about this accident. Please let me…”

  “You don’t know!” Mary cried. “She was a wonderful pupil!”

  “A pupil?” the man asked. “this cat? What do you mean?”

  “You couldn’t buy that cat for all he money in England!” Mary said, “I taught her every day. That cat could talk, sir!”

  “Then I must help you,” the man said. He took some money from his pocket. “Here, have this. Three hundred pounds. Is it enough? Will you forgive me?”

  Mary took the money. “Thank you,” she said, “I’ll get another cat. Then I must begin all the work again.”

  The rich man went away in his car. A woman said to Mary, “Was it true, Madam?” Mary answered, “My cat had many difficult lessons. At last she could say her name in Chinese.”

  Everyone laughed.

  61. What was Mary’s job?

  A. She taught cat. B. She was a teacher. C. She bought and sold cats.

  62. What does “the end of Mary’s cat” mean?

  A. The cat had no more lessons.

  B. The cat began to live with the rich man.

  C. The cat died in the accident.

  63. What did the rich man do after the cat was killed by his car?

  A. He gave Mary another beautiful cat.

  B. He gave Mary some money.

  C. He gave Mary nothing.

  64. What did Mary say about her cat? She said that______.

  A. her cat could cook B. her cat could talk C. her cat could fly

  65. What could Mary’s cat say? She could say_____.

  A. the English word “cat” B. Mary’s name C. “cat” in Chinese

