


来源 :中华考试网 2018-05-17



  名牌奢侈品受欢追捧的原因和社会影响 More and more people want to famous brand clothes, cars and items. What are the reasons? Is this trend positive ...

  名牌奢侈品受欢追捧的原因和社会影响 More and more people want to famous brand clothes, cars and items. What are the reasons? Is this trend positive or negative?




  1. 两个原因导致了奢侈品如此受欢迎。第一,先进的工业制造大大降低了产品的成本,这意味着那些大牌产品也价格大跌,让普通老百姓也能负担的起了。所以,很多人会花钱来购买这些他们原来很眼馋的好东西。第二,广告的诱惑。举例,重金打造的广告总是把名牌产品价值吹嘘得很高,比如说奢侈的时装代表着高贵,优雅和成功。观众看过了就会被洗脑,随后会对这些物品很着迷。 2. 追求名牌带来的问题主要有二。首先,这会导致过度消费。名牌都很昂贵,它们超出了一般消费者的经济能力。举例,一套时装很可能会消费一般人整个月的工资收入,这让他们缺乏基本的生活预算来维持生活。 3. 第二,这会建立一种极端的物质主义,让人们丧失精神层面的追求。举例,富人们宁肯把钱浪费在这些不必要的商品上,也不愿意捐助那些社会公益事业。此外,人们会崇拜那些衣着华丽的富人,而看不起那些穿着朴素的穷人,这制造了阶级矛盾。


  Now, the thriving consumption of the public on luxuries of famous brands has been a heated social issue in debate. In this essay, I will explore the possible reasons behind the phenomenon and analyze whether this trend is positive or negative. There are two main reasons as to why people have more desires to purchase these items. Firstly, advanced industry driven by new technologies like automatic manufacturing, intelligent robots and computers has made low-cost production possible, which means famous-brand commodities are becoming cheaper and more affordable to the public. As a result, people think spending on these expensive items at a lower price is a cost-efficient investment that helps them to pursue a decent and graceful life. Secondly, advertising is another drive for this phenomenon. Intensive advertisement campaigns of name brands on mass media are a strong brainwashing process, by long-term exposure to which, the audience begin to admire these expensive fashions, make-ups and trendy decorations that are claimed to be valuable in enhancing the user’s image and charm. This commercial publicity, to a large extent, stimulates viewers to go into an addiction of collecting luxurious goods. However, demerits of this trend should never be ignored, and the main one is that a strong desire of owning costly goods stimulates the overconsumption of people. Generally speaking, prices of fashions clothes, race cars and bags of Gucci are incredibly high. In too many cases, people obsessed with fashion cut off the basic budget of daily life, or max out credit cards, for the purpose of purchasing a single expensive luxurious dress, which, eventually, causes the finance out of balance. The most worrying respect is that this trend is a crass materialism that causes people to disregard spiritual values. The pursuit of famous brands misleads people to attach too much weight to the sense of possessing, leading to the loss of sympathy and philanthropy. For example, unfortunately, the wealthy might prefer to have a decadent expenditure on extravagant and unnecessary matters, rather than donate the money to rewarding social projects such as popularizing education, caring seniors or preserving the environment.(348字)

