


来源 :中华考试网 2018-05-14



  互联网能否代替实际旅游 Some people think that it is necessary to travel abroad to learn about other countries, but other people think that it...

  互联网能否代替实际旅游 Some people think that it is necessary to travel abroad to learn about other countries, but other people think that it is not necessary to travel abroad because all the information can be seen at TV and the Internet. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.




  1. 当然不能,学习文化可不是看看网页那么简单。举例,只有通过零距离的观察,聆听和跟当地人进行交谈,一个旅行者才能有深度地理解一个本土文化的独特性,包括了日常的习俗,社会规范,宗教禁忌,以及说话和思维的方式。这些文化元素是无法通过网络的图片和文字描述的。 2. 此外,我对于那种“网络万能”的论调深表怀疑。事实上,今天,仍然存在很多国家和地区无法被互联网所覆盖,如朝鲜,以及贫穷的非洲国家。所以,了解它们文化的方式仍然是实地旅行。 3. 然而,就仅仅了解文化的某些成分,如在博物馆的传统艺术和古董,我认为互联网已经足够强大来展现它们。举例,电脑技术,如超高像素的照片,已经能完全再现一件绘画或是雕刻的所有细节了。所以在家看互联网上的照片和视频或获得的文化体验,跟实际的观察没有多少区别。


  Would the Internet substitute the practical traveling abroad, in terms of letting people learn foreign cultures? Personally, I believe this contention overestimates the function of the Internet, and my reasons will be expounded as below. The foremost reason against this assertion is that the essence of a culture is much more than simple images. In terms of helping tourists to have a deep understanding of a local culture in certain areas, the real-world international traveling, instead of the Internet, is still a primary means by which a person can immerse himself or herself in a live cultural environment to grasp the cultural cores. For example, by face-to-face interaction with local residents, including closely observing, talking, listening, a tourist can directly and practically feel every detail about local traditions, social manners and rules, the way of speaking and thinking, and religious taboos. In comparison, it is impossible for an Internet user to recover the multi-dimensional cultural experience by merely reading texts and pictures on the screen. In addition, I have a big doubt about the assertion that all information can be accessible on the Internet. In fact, for the sake of politics or economy, there are many countries which are still beyond the coverage of Internet, such as South Korea and countries in Africa. Similarly, in some religious areas like Tibet, the information of local culture is rare on the Internet, because visitors are forbidden to take photos inside historical buildings, temples and religious rituals. That is to say, practical traveling is the only way for people to watch and appreciate these cultures. Admittedly, the reason why people agree that the Internet can take the place of the real-world traveling is that modern computer technology has been able to fully reveal basic cultural elements. In fact, one feature of the Internet is its multi-media function, which can place the audience into a vivid virtual world by displaying texts, pictures, videos and audios about a culture simultaneously. In other words, all visual information about a culture, from traditional clothes to old buildings to artistic works, can be available for viewers at home, by browsing the Internet. In conclusion, this argument is indefensible. Although the Internet is capable of furnishing an easy and convenient access to the description of a culture based on texts, images and videos, an overall and in-depth understanding of a culture is more than what a person sees and hears. What is more, as for the countries exclusive from the Internet, it is only through practical journeys that people can really touch those arcane cultures.(426字)

