


来源 :中华考试网 2018-05-14



  为什么男生偏好理科,女生偏好文科 In schools and universities, some girls tend to choose arts subjects, but boys choose to study science subject. W...

  为什么男生偏好理科,女生偏好文科 In schools and universities, some girls tend to choose arts subjects, but boys choose to study science subject. What is the reason? Do you think this trend should be changed?




  1. 这个现象主要是基于一个社会对于性别的刻板印象,男女之间的思维模式有差别。举例,男性总是被认为在空间,数学和逻辑思维上有优势,而女性则在语言和记忆力上更出色。所以,他们都会选择那些符合自己优势的学科,这种选择能最大地发挥他们的才能,也容易有出色表现。 2. 这种选择肯定有问题。首先,肯定会有这种情况,有些男孩子在文科上有天赋,女孩子在理科上有天赋。如果他们还是按照世俗的观点来选择专业的话,他们的才能和天赋都会被浪费。


  In the modern society, the public has been concerned with a trend that young men prefer science and women favor liberal arts. As far as I am concerned, this tendency lies on an old recognition about so-called intelligent distinction between genders, and the society should take immediate action against the situation of gender imbalance in subjects of school. This phenomenon stems from a traditional social stereotype that there are huge differences between genders, in terms of intelligently cognitive abilities. In centuries, it has been widely acknowledged that males have natural advantages in space, math and logic abilities while females are born with the excellence in language and memorization. These public concepts gradually become a principle by which young generations decide their subjects and directions of future careers. On this level, it is understandable that science and arts are preferred by different genders respectively, because young people believe that such options can completely match and develop their special talents. In my view, this trend is so ridiculous and unscientific that its changing should be encouraged. Definitely, there are always boys who are talented in literature, as well as girls who are inherently good at math and engineering. Under the unfair principle mentioned above, they might be forced by parents and teachers to give up what they have the strength at and choose subjects which are opposed to their nature. Therefore, there is a necessity of eradicating the sexual discrimination on subjects. By this way, youngsters can have the freedom to make a wise and proper decision for their subjects and directions, according to their interests and talents, rather than genders. In a long term, it can be expected that more outstanding female mathematicians, engineers and male historians and litterateurs will emerge in science and arts fields In conclusion, the whole community, including the public media, families and universities should make concerted efforts to reverse this trend, for the reason that giving free options on subjects to young generations can help them to fully develop their innate skills and talents, thus reaching new achievements in various fields of science and arts.(349字)

