


来源 :中华考试网 2018-05-12



  学习历史的必要性 Some people consider that history is of little or no use to us. Others believe that studying history helps us to know the...

  学习历史的必要性 Some people consider that history is of little or no use to us. Others believe that studying history helps us to know the present. Discuss these views and give your own opinion.




  1. 学习历史无用,因为历史上的信息过于抽象,过时,对于今天的生活没有意义。举例,它无法教会孩子们实用技能,关于计算机,互联网,银行业务,做饭,以及急救。换句话说,后面这些的相关课程应该优于历史课被考虑,因为它们帮助学生管理日常生活。 2. 然而,学习历史是非常有益的。首先,历史经验和教训教会学生正确的社会价值观,道德,以及法律意识。此外,历史上伟大的人物事迹能鼓励年轻人勇敢面对今天的挑战。 3. 此外,学习历史培养了孩子们对于传统文化的热爱。历史是传统的记录者,从食物到衣服,从建筑到艺术品,从社会风俗到宗教仪式。学习这些知识让孩子们获取独特的文化身份。


  These days, the passion of a fraction of people in studying history is declining, because they believe such knowledge is out of mode and impractical in modern society. In my view, this contention overlooks the irreplaceable values of learning history, and my reasons will be listed as below. Admittedly, the information in history is too theoretical, outmoded, abstract and purposeless to be applied in daily life of children. For example, no matter how proficient children are in remembering historical stories and people, they still have no idea about answers of how to use computer and the Internet, how to deal with banking business, or skills of cooking and first aids. Therefore, to this extent, it is reasonable to give the priority to those life-related subjects over history, because the form courses like computer, health care and economy are the main way of equipping children with practical skills and enabling them to cope with challenges in day-to-day life. However, I still believe the history course should remain in school education, because of its irreplaceable values. Firstly, history records an entire development of human civilization, for example, the form and evolution of social rules, laws, ethics and democratic concepts about equity and freedom. By learning these historic knowledge, young students can be enlightened to be more self-disciplined and law-abiding, with the ability of distinguishing the right from the wrong. Besides, great men in history set positive role models for children. For example, life experience, ups and downs, achievements and mottos of legendary scientists, explorers and politicians not only give children the encouragement, confidence and challenging spirit to handle contemporary difficulties in academic studying, but also instill many virtues into their minds, like righteousness, persistence and determination. The final and most important reason why studying history is worthwhile is about the protection of traditions. Obviously, history of a country is the national-wide collection of cultural identities, including traditional food, clothes, architectures, artistic works, social manners and religions. Under an age when a global pop culture is overwhelming, it is mainly through learning history that young generations can begin to understand, respect and appreciate the greatness and uniqueness of their own culture, as well as to recover their interests in preserving and inheriting it. Generally speaking, I strongly believe history should be a compulsory course in school education, for the sake of its great contributions to shaping children as well-behaved citizens with cultural identity.(400字)

