


来源 :中华考试网 2018-10-18


  文章题目 Tick Tock Body clock

  重复年份 20161013 20121013

  题材 生物

  题型 选择 3+填空 6+判断 5

  文章大意 文章主要讲解了生物钟对植物、动物和人的影响,并且通过大量的实验进行


  参考练习 剑 11 Test3 Passage3 How does the biological clock tick?



  27. De Mario 的实验目的是:C 证明 new information about plants

  28. Chronobiology 主要 研究人体的生物机能

  29. work shift 和 jet lag 主要为了证明:人体在非正常情况下做出的反应。


  30. Exposure to sunshine

  31. reaction

  32. phenomenon

  33. Rhythms

  34. devices

  35. need


  36. YES: rejected

  37. NG: it is widely accepted that…

  38. NO

  39. NO

  40. NO

  文章题目 Gesture

  重复年份 20150711 20120712 20100211 20071020 20070303

  题材 人文社科

  题型 小标题 6+段落细节配对 5+选择 3

  文章大意 讲了手势研究。开始用电话铃声作比喻说手势为什么大家都看得懂,后面讲到手势的个体差异,文化差异,包括各国的举例。

  参考阅读: Gestures have been studied throughout the centuries from different perspectivesDuring the Roman Empire, Quintilian studied in his Institution Oratoria how gesture may be used in rhetorical discourse. Another broad study of gesture was published by Englishman John Bulwer in 1644. Bulwer analyzed dozens of gestures and provided a guide on how to use gestures to increase eloquence and clarity for public speaking.] Andrea De Jorio published an extensive account of gestural expression in 1832. A peer reviewed journal Gesturehas been published since 2001 and was founded by Adam Kendon and Cornelia Müller. The International Society for Gesture Studies (ISGS) was founded in 2002.


  文章题目 Birds intelligence

  重复年份 20151114A 20130525 20111210

  题材 动物

  题型 小标题 7+配对 7

  文章大意 之前一直认为人类是高智能,现在发现猩猩甚至鸟类都有,列举了三种鸟的例子;讲到了鸟的生存环境残酷,鸟也有竞争,脑大的鸟更聪明,还有鸟的社会性。

  文章题目 Fish communications

  重复年份 20151203 20130713

  题材 动物

  题型 判断 6+填空 7

  文章大意 讲了鱼类的交流,德国科学家在红海发现红色的鱼,发现是激发荧光。鱼用这个荧光来识别种群、标识位置、吓退敌人、掩盖自己和捕捉猎物。

  参考阅读: Fish Communication Can fish "talk?" And if they do, can other fish hear what they are saying? The answer to both questions is yes, but fish "talk" and "hear" somewhat differently than humans. Although not extremely common, there are several species of fish that are able to produce sound to communicate with members of their own and other species. Most of the fish that produce sound do it at such low frequencies that divers cannot hear the noises. But several species do produce sound in the range that humans can hear. For example, grunts are able to produce sound by grinding their flat teeth together (hence the name grant!) The large Jewfish, Nassau and Black groupers are known to make very loud "booms" when startled or cornered. Jewfish have also been observed to make these loud


