


来源 :中华考试网 2017-11-02

  文章题目 The history of Russian Ballet

  重复年份 20160114 20150418 20121124

  题材 发展史

  题型 判断 6+填空 7

  文章大意 芭蕾舞发源于意大利,从 17 世纪后传入俄国后一直欣欣向荣。出了很多优秀的艺术家和作品,外国舞派也对俄国芭蕾舞发展有着影响。后期以戏剧味发展主流,一直讲到本世纪 70 年代的发展。

  文章题目 Aquaculture in New Zealand

  重复年份 20160114 20151031 20121124 20110212

  题材 农业

  题型 小标题 7+人名理论配对 3+句子填空 3

  文章大意 新西兰水产养殖,介绍了新西兰一种新型保护海底动物多样性兼顾商业运作

  的方式一 aquaculture , 其发展遇到的问题及前景。



  14. vi (一个受益的村庄)

  15. vii (company’s profit)

  16. 选含 limitation 的那项

  17. 选含 concerns to environment 的那项

  18. 选含 alternative explanation 的那项

  19. 选含 research 的那项

  20. 选含 science and business 的那项


  24. polyculture/aquaculture

  25. commercial partner

  26. market value/high price

  文章题目 The influence of social network to people's loneliness

  重复年份 20140920 20130622

  题材 人文社科

  题型 配对 6+选择 4+判断 4

  文章大意 社交媒体对人孤独的影响.越来越多的人开始使用社交媒体,有些人认为社交媒体使人变得更加孤独,有些人却不同意。在大学生中做了一个调查,结果表明孤独感与人们花时间在社交媒体上无关。社交媒体会使人变得焦虑,也会让人上瘾。

  文章题目 Consumer advertisement

  重复年份 20160305 20141002

  题材 商业

  题型 判断 7+填空 6

  文章大意 消费者广告。过度广告会造成消费者对广告无感,有时候还会起到适得其反的作用。广告设计如何才有吸引力,更能有效宣传。

  参考阅读: The report was published in Vietnam e-Business Index (EBI) 2015 and made public at a recent press conference to introduce the Vietnam Online Marketing Forum to be held late this August. The EBI 2015 was based on a survey among 5,000 enterprises across the country, up nearly 50 percent, compared to 2014. According to Nguyen Thanh Hung, chairman of the Vietnam e-Commerce Association (VECOM), the EBI 2015 indicated that the number of e-commerce transactions grew sharply against 2014 and transactions were diversified. However, e-commerce businesses have yet to work out effective solutions to win consumer confidence.

  Tuan Ha, CEO of Vinalink said online marketing has seen a rapid increase. In 2015, to better serve customers, businesses invested more in applications for ecommerce on mobile phones with a growth of 200 percent. Many online marketing agencies have been used by sellers such as Facebook, Google, and Over-The-Top (OTT) application.


