


来源 :中华考试网 2016-11-04

11.After the new technique was introduced the factory produced ______cars in 1994 as the year before.

A. as twice many B. as many twice

C. twice as many D. twice as

选C。倍数表达式:A+ be+倍数+ as +adj. / adv. (原级)+as +B。又如:The book is ten times as thick as that one。

12. I think whoever makes______contributions to the company than the others should get______income.

A. greater; a highest

B. more greater; a higher

C. greater; the highest

D. more greater; the higher

选C。more 不可修饰级,排除B和D。greater … than the others 是最高级意义,后面也用最高级,且最高前要用定冠词the。

13. Terribly sorry, I came home at last. I______of the supermarket______so crowded.

A. should have thought; being

B. should think; being

C. could have thought; was

D. could think; was

选A。think of的宾语应为动词,排除C、D两项;由一个句子可知,事情发生过去,后悔自己不该去超市,因为人太多,故应选择should have done 结构,表示对过去事情的虚拟。

14. Reading______the lines, I would say that the government are more worried than they will admit.

A. behind B. between C. along D. among

选B。read between the lines为习语,指读出字里行间言外之意。

15. At that time, he spent as much time as he can  the ancient status which would be sank in the river.

A. paint B. to paint

C. painting D. painted

选C。spend as…as one can doing sth. “花可能多的时间来某事”。

16. —What were you doing when I phoned you last night?

—I ______my painting and was starting to take a bath.

A. have already finished B. was finishing

C. had just finished D. was going to finish

选C。由“我要 洗澡”可知昨天你打电话时“我刚刚画完”,“画完”在“打电话前”之前,即过去的过去,故用过去完成。

17. I’m afraid nobody but his parents or Jim, his best friend, _____ the secret.

A. are going to tell B. have told

C. has told D. have been told

选C。该题涉及到主谓一致的问题。 当主语是单数形式时,后面跟(together) with, as well as ,but, except, rather than等词语,无论这些词语后面带复数形式还是单数形式,谓语动词仍然用单数,故正确答案为C. nobody是不定代词,应该看作单数。本句可以理解为“除了他父母或Jim, 没有人说出这个秘密”。

18. ______ won’t be long ______ National Day comes.

A. There…since B. This…ago

C. It…before D. That…after

选C。It won’t be long before… 意思是“不过多久就……”,是一个固定短语。

19. I wonder ______ you were doing last night.

A. it was what that B. what was it that

C. that what it was D. what it was that

选D。 本题强调特殊疑问词。宾语从句用陈述句语序。其中特殊疑问词在句中做宾语从句的宾语。

20. He said it was _____ impossible to buy the novel which was _____ worth reading.

A. very…very B. very…quite

C. much…much D. quite…well

选D。 impossible, right, wrong等无等级形容词只能用quite /completely修饰。

