


来源 :中华考试网 2018-03-10

  Before the 20th century, the horse provided day to day transportation in the United States. Trains were used only for long-distance transportation.

  Today the car is the most popular 36 of transportation in all of the United States. It has completely 37 the horse as a means of everyday transportation. Americans use their car for 38 90 percent of all personal 39 .

  Most Americans are able to 40 cars. The average price of a 41 made car was, 500 in 1950, 740 in 1960 and up 42 750 in 1975. During this period American ear manufacturers set about 43 their products and work efficiency.

  Meanwhile, the yearly income of the 44 family increased from 1950 to 1975 45 than the price of cars. For this reason, 46 a new car takes a smaller 47 of a family’s total earnings today.

  In 1951 48 it took 8.1 months of an average family's 49 to buy a new car. In 1962, a new car 50 8.3 of a family’s annual earnings. By 1975 it only took 4.75 51 income. In addition, the 1975 cars were technically 52 to models from previous years.

  The 53 of the automobile extends throughout the economy 54 the car is so important to Americans. Americans spend more money 55 their cars running than on any other item.

  36. A. kinds B. means C. mean D. types

  37. A. denied B. reproduced C. replaced D. ridiculed

  38. A. hardly B. nearly C. certainly D. somehow

  39. A. trip B. works C. business D. travel

  40. A. buy B. sell C. race D. see

  41. A. quickly B. regularly C. rapidly D. recently

  42. A. on B. to C. in D. about

  43. A. raising B. making C. reducing D. improving

  44. A. unusual B. interested C. average D. big

  45. A. slowest B. equal C. faster D. less

  46. A. bringing B. obtaining C. having D. purchasing

  47. A. part B. half C. number D. side

  48. A. clearly B. proportionally C. obviously D. suddenly

  49. A. income B. work C. plants D. debts

  50. A. used B. spent C. cost D. needed

  51. A. months B. dollar C. family D. year

  52. A. famous B. quick C. superior D. inferior

  53. A. running B. notice C. influence D. discussion

  54. A. then B. so C. as D. which

  55. A. starting B. leaving C. keeping D. repairing


  36. B

  惯用搭配题。本句意为“如今,汽车是全美最普遍的交通____”,再结合下段中的“as a means of everyday transportation”可知,B正确。means of transportation意为“交通工具”。

  37. C


  38. B


  39. A


  40. A


  41. D

  词义辨析题。结合句意,此处意为“最近生产的”,即:recently made,所以D正确。quickly意为“快速地”,rapidly意为“迅速地”,regularly意为“有规律地”,都不合句意。

  42. B

  介词用法题。up to意为“到(某个数量)”,所以B正确。

  43. D

  词义辨析题。raise意为“提高”,make意为“制作”,reduce意为“减少”,improve意为“改进”。结合空格后的内容可知,空格处应填入能与宾语“their products and work efficiency”相搭配的动词的现在分词,此处意为“改进他们的产品和提高工作效率”,故选D。

  44. C


  45. C


  46. D


  47. A

  词义辨析题。part意为“部分”,half意为“一半”,number意为“数量”,side意为“旁边”,结合句中的“take a...of”可知,A正确。take a part of在本句中意为“占……的一部分”。

  48. B


  49. A

  词义辨析题。由上文提及的“the yearly income of the average family”,再结合句意可知,A正确。

  50. C


  51. A


  52. C

  词义辨析题。结合表转折的 in addition 及句意可知,1975年产的汽车在技术上优于以前的款型,所以C正确。

  53. C


  54. B


  55. C

  惯用搭配题。keep their cars running属于keep sth.doing这个固定动词短语,意为“保持……继续进行”,所以C正确。

