


来源 :中华考试网 2018-02-28


  PartⅠ Dialogue Completion (15 points)

  Directions: There are 15 short incomplete dialogues in this part, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the centre.

  1. Black:Let me introduce myself. I’m Andrew Black.


  A. It’s a pleasure. B. Pleased to meet you.

  C. How are you? D. Nice meeting you.

  2. Todd:Do you think it will snow this evening?


  A. I hope it not. B. I don’t think so.

  C. Who is that? D. Who’s is it?

  3. Lucy:I’m Lucy. My teacher asked me to visit you.

  Juliet:______ Come in and sit down, please.

  A. Nice to meet you. B. That’s a good idea.

  C. That’s all right. D. Why don’t they come?

  4. Norma:How can I learn to cook well?


  A. What a pity!

  B. Why don’t you follow your teacher’s advice?

  C. But I’m afraid it’s useless.

  D. Any reason for that?

  5. Basil:I won’t have beer any more.


  A. So do I. B. So will I.

  C. Nor do I. D. Neither will I.

  6. Harry:Do you mind my smoking here?


  A. Yes, please do. B. No, please don’t.

  C. No, I dislike the smell of cigarette. D. Yes, please don’t.

  7. Owen:May I use your phone?


  A. It doesn’t matter. B. Go ahead.

  C. No, I don’t mind. D. No, you needn’t.

  8. Wendy:______?

  Wayne:For about two weeks.

  A. How long are you going to stay here

  B. How soon will you leave this place

  C. How often do you come here

  D. How many times have you come here

  9. Rose:Hello, may I speak to Mr. Green?

  Steven:______,I will see if he is in.

  A. Don’t put down your phone B. Hold the line a minute

  C. Please phone him in five minutes again D. This is John speaking

  10. Viola: Excuse me,______?

  Rite:I am sorry, I don’t know. I’m new around here.

  A. will you please tell me time

  B. is there a train time-table

  C. can you tell me the best way to the nearest hospital

  D. can you show me the map of this city

  11. Carol:______?

  Jane:I’d like two dozen eggs.

  A.What are you doing B. What would you like to do

  C. What can I do for you D. What would you like to eat

  12. Helen:______Sir, I didn’t quite hear you.

  David:I said that nobody but one had got a full mark in the tests.

  A. May I ask you a question? B. I am sorry,

  C. I beg your Pardon, D. I must say “no” to you,

  13. Jimmy:______ May I speak to John?

  Tony:John! You are wanted on the telephone.

  A. I am Mary. B. My name is Mary.

  C. Do you know Mary? D. This is Mary speaking.

  14. Rob:How could you say that?

  Bert:______, I didn’t mean to hurt you.

  A. That’s all right B. I won’t regret

  C. I’m really sorry D. Excuse me

  15. June:Do you think it’s going to rain over the weekend?


  A. I don’t believe B. I don’t believe it

  C. I believe not so D. I believe not

