


来源 :中华考试网 2017-06-05

  1.Which of the following statements is true about Garrison Keillor?

  A) His idea on the CEOs was recognized by cor[,orate boards.

  B) One of his lines had been modified to describe the CEOs.

  C) His play pointed out that "all CEOs are above average".

  D) His radio program aroused the "Lake Wobegon effect".

  2.According to the second paragraph. CEOs' pay keeps soaring mainly because___________.

  A) surveys indicate that CEOs deserve higher pay

  B) consultants tend to believe CEOs are above average

  C) directors' belief greatly influences the pay standard

  D) compensation committees seldom evaluate the CEOs' ability

  3.Scott Klinger most probably tends to agree Chat____________.

  A) most people lose money in the investment into the stocks

  B) the CEOs performance can't be reflected by the value of stocks

  C) the CEOs are not the only factor that prospers a corporation

  D) the pay of the CEOs greatly influences the profit of' a company

  4."Cream-of-the-crop" is closest in meaning to____________.

  A) competent

  B) courageous

  C) disappointing

  D) hard-working

  5.Which of the following is the biggest concern of the corporate boards?

  A)The free market.

  B)The CEOs’ performance.

  C) The corporations' profit.

  D)The CEOs’ pay.

