


来源 :中华考试网 2016-08-11

  Part II Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)



  1.B根据题干信息词visualization和works定位到文章第一段末句,即:视觉化并不需要专研其概念和理论也能运作,选项B中的searching deeply into相当于原文的delving into,故选B。选项A与原文相反。原文中提到那些概念和理论还未被证实,所以选项c也不对。

  2.A根据题干信息词experiment和Alan Richardson定位到文章第二段。本题问的是“Alan Richardson试验中前两个队的结果是什么?”文中提到:被要求每天想象打篮球的人与实际练习打篮球的人水平相似,故选A。

  3.B根据题干信息词visualized和actually practiced定位到文中“How Can that be so?”问题下,即文章第四段。本题问的是“那些仅仅想象打篮球的人是怎么做到与每天实际练习打篮球的人做的一样好呢?”文中提到:被要求想象打篮球的人是依靠在思维中建立感觉和记忆达到成功的,故选B。cet4v.com是否聪明、是否以前练习过打球或者看过别人练习打球,故排除A、c、D。

  4.C根据题干信息词try another different direction定位到文章第六、七段。本题问“当你已经找到了一条路时,在什么情况下会使得你想尝试换另一个不同的方向?”文中提到:如果农夫用枪袭击你,并放狗咬你,一旦你从医院康复出来,你就有可能寻找一条新的路回家,故选C。选项A(你已经知道这条路cet4v.com愉快且轻松的路),原文中提到,在这种情况下换路的可能性几乎没有,slim在这里意为“(希望、可能性)微小的,渺茫的”。选项B(有一个长满长草的牧场可以缩短20分钟步行时间),这是指没有抄近路之前,而题于是you already have one path made的情况,所以排除。

  5.A根据题干信息词difficulty snapping negative loops ofthinking定位到文章第二个小标题下的第二段。本题问的是“日常生活中,人们为什么很难停止消极思维的恶性循环”,该段第二句提到:由于思维已经形成,保持它比在大脑中试着想象新的事情、形成新的连接更容易,故选A。文中并没有提到消极思维是否比积极思维更容易形成并巩固,所以其他三项均排除。

  6.D根据题干信息词basketball visualizers定位到文章中第三个小标题下的第一段。本题问的是“视觉化在被要求想象打篮球的人的大脑里是怎么运作的”,该段第二句提到:想象打篮球的人是这么做的,他们将自己无意识的思想变成认为他们知道怎么打篮球的思想,故选D。cet4v.com在想象之前打过篮球,也没有提到他们是否日 思夜想如何打球,故排除A、B。该段最后一句提到仅仅是想象的话不可能把他们变成NBA球星,选项c也不对。

  7.D根据题干信息词NBA star定位到文章第三个小标题下的第一段最后一句。即:当然这不会使你成为一名NBA球星,你需要实际练习,但是它能够帮助你加速成功。cet4v.com上视觉化可能让你变成球星,故选D。

  8.replaying negative stuff,根据题干信息词not advisable将本题答案定位于第三个小标题下第二段。该段倒数第二句讲到:每天视觉化你的成功20分钟,然后花l0个小时用来担心失败、脑海中反复想象负面内容,这是很不明智的。因此这里需要填入replaying negative stuff。

  9.visualization。根据题干信息词fake it till you make it定位到文章倒数第二段。该段提到:You can also incorporate the“fake it till you make it”method in with your visualization to help speed up the process.即:你


  10.Reality。根据题干信息词it just gets in the way and cet4v.com定位到文章末段。该段提到:In fact.

  successful people don’t care too cet4v.com;it just gets in the way and cet4v.com.即:实际上,成功的人并没有更多地关注事实,它只会碍事儿,让他们减速,故本题应填Reality。

  Section B

  Passage One




  27.D信息明示题。文章第二段指出,0nthe air,in otherwords,on radio and television,由此可知D正确。

  28.c信息明示题。文章第二段指出….must also spend three weeks…由此可知C正确。

  29.A信息明示题。文章最后指出一.Will finish their studies in four or five years,由此可知A正确。

  Passage Two



  30.C信息明示题。文章开头指出,The letters stand for five steps in the reading process…由此可知SQ3R代表了阅读过程中的五个步骤,故选c。

  31.A信息明示题。文章在讲到阅读这一步骤时提到,Think about what you are reading as a series of ideas,not just a sequence of words曲此可知A正确。

  32.B信息明示题。文章在最后提到,The last step is recite.由此可知B正确。

  Passage Three



  33.D信息明示题。文章提到in the dispute…which_eliminates paid sick leave from the teachers’contract,由此可知,此次争端的主要问题是学校委员会在教师合同中取消了教师带薪病假的规定,所以D正确。

  34.B信息明示题。由文章最后提到的The Parent Board…has urged the teachers to retum to work可知,家长委员会先前同情老师的遭遇,但现在希望老师马上回到工作岗位,所以B正确。


  Section C



  36. hemisphere

  37. species

  38. centimeters

  39. method

  40. freezing

  41. search

  42. squid

  43. excellent

  44. They can dive as deep as 460 meters and hold their breath for up to 20 minutes.

  45. The penguins jump out of the water and onto the ice. They know it is time to find a mate and reproduce.

  46. In order to mate, the penguins must travel many kilometers inland from the ocean. They do this to find a safe area to spend the many months needed to produce and develop an egg. ~ e human. Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading,in Depth) (25 minutes)

  Section A Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.

  Good sense is the most equitably distributed thing in the world, for each man considers himself so well provided with it that even those who are most difficult to 47 in everything else do not usually wish to have more of it than they have already.

  It is not likely that everyone is 48 in this. It shows, rather, that the ability to judge rightly and separate the true from the false, which is essentially what is called good sense or 49 , is by nature equal in all men; and thus that our opinions differ not because some men are better 50 with reason than others, but only because we direct our thoughts along different paths, and do not consider the same things. For it is not enough to have a good mind; what is most important is to 51 it rightly.

  The greatest souls are capable of the greatest vices; and those who walk very slowly can 52 much further, if they always keep to the direct road, than those who run and go astray.

  For my part, I have never 53 my mind to be more perfect than average in any way; I have, in fact, often wished that my thoughts were as quick, or my imagination as precise and distinct, or my 54 as capacious or prompt, as those of some other

  men. And I know of no other qualities than these which make for the 55 of the mind; for as to reason, or good sense, in as much as it alone makes us men and distinguishes us from the beasts, I am quite willing to believe that it is whole and entire in

  each of us, and to follow in the common 56 of the philosophers who say that there are differences of more or less only among the accidents, and not among the forms, or natures, of the individuals of a single species.


  Section B

  Passage One

  Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.

  Sixteen years ago, Eileen Doyle’s husband, an engineer, took his four children up for an early morning cup of tea, packed a small case and was never seen or heard of again. Eileen was astonished and in a state of despair. They had been a happy

  family and, as far as she knew, there had been nothing wrong with their marriage.

  Every day of the year, a small group of men and women quietly pack a few belongings and without so much as a note or a good-bye close the front door for the last time, leaving their debts, their worries and their confused families behind them.

  Last year, more than 1,200 men and nearly as many women were reported missing from home--the highest in 15 years.

  Many did return home within a year, but others rejected the past completely and are now living a new life somewhere under a different identity.

  To those left behind this form of desertion is a terrible blow to their pride and self-confidence. Even the finality of death might be preferable. At least it does not imply rejection or failure. Worse than that, people can be left with an unfinished

  marriage, not knowing whether they will have to wait seven years before they are free to start a fresh life.

  Clinical psychologist Paul Brown believes most departures of this kind to be well planned rather than impulsive. "It’s typical of the kind of personality which seems able to ignore other people’s pain and difficulties. Running away, like killing

  yourself, is a highly aggressive act. By creating an absence the people left behind feel guilty, upset and empty."

  The Salvation Army’s Investigation Department has a 70 percent success rate in tracking missing people down. According to Lt. Co. Bramwell Pratt, head of the department, men and women run away for very different reasons though lack of

  communication is often the biggest motive. "The things that disturb a man’s personality are problems like being tied up in debt or serious worries about work. And some women make impossible demands on their husbands. Women usually leave for more obvious reasons but fear is at the root of it. Men are more often prepared to give their marriage another try than women, but we are aware that, for some wives, it would be a total impossibility to return after the way they’ve been treated."


  57. When her husband left home, Eileen Doyle __

  [A] could not forgive him for taking the children

  [B] had been expecting it to happen for some time

  [C] could not understand why

  [D] blamed herself for what had happened

  58. Most people who leave their families behind them __

  [A] do so without warning

  [B] do so because of their debts

  [C] come back immediately

  [D] change their names

  59. The man or woman left behind usually __

  [A] admits responsibility for the situation

  [B] wishes the person who has left were dead

  [C] feels embarrassed and useless

  [D] will have no legal marriage life for seven years

  60. Paul Brown regards leaving home in such circumstances as __

  [A] an act of despair

  [B] an act of selfishness

  [C] the result of a sudden decision

  [D] the result of the enormous sense of guilt

  61. The Salvation Army believes that__

  [A] most men run away because of the impossible demands of their wives

  [B] men’s reasons are more understandable than women’s

  [C] some women never give their men another chance

  [D] women are often afraid to start marriage again

  Passage Two

  Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.

  Public speaking fills most people with dread. Humiliation (羞辱) is the greatest fear; self-exposure and failing to appeal to the audience come a close second. Women hate it most, since girls are pressurized from an early age to be concerned with appearances of all kinds.

  Most people have plenty of insecurities, and this seems like a situation that will bring them out. If you were under pressure to be perfect, you are terrified of falling in the most public of ways.

  While extroverts (性格外向者 ) will feel less fear before the ordeal, it does not mean they will necessarily do it better.

  Some very shy people manage to shine. When I met the British comedian Julian Clary, he was shy and cautious, yet his TV performances are perfect.

  In fact, personality is not the best predictor of who does it well Regardless of what you are like in real life, the key seems to be to act yourself.

  Actual acting, as in performing the scripted lines of a character other than yourself, does not do the job. While politicians may limit damage by having carefully rehearsed, written scripts to speak from, there is always a hidden awareness among the

  audience that the words might not be true.

  Likewise, the incredibly perfect speeches of many American academics are far from natural. You may end up buying their book on the way out, but soon afterwards, it is much like fast food, and you get a nameless sense that you’ve been cheated.

  Although, as Earl Spencer proved at his sister Princess Diana’s funeral, it is possible both to prepare every word and to act naturally. A script rarely works and it is used to help most speakers. But, being yourself doesn’t work either. If you spoke as if you were in your own kitchen, it would be too authentic, too unaware of the need to communicate with an audience.

  I remember going to see British psychiatrist R. D. Laing speak in public. He behaved like a seriously odd person, talking off the top of his head. Although he was talking about madness and he wrote on mental illness, he seemed to be exhibiting rather than explaining it.

  The best psychological place from which to speak is an unselfconscious self-consciousness, providing the illusion of being natural. Studies suggest that this state of "flow", as psychologists call it, is very satisfying.


  62. Women hate public speaking most mainly because of

  [A] their upbringing very early on

  [B] their inability to appeal to the audience

  [C] their sense of greater public pressure

  [D] their sense of greater humiliation

  63. "This" in Paragraph Two refers to __

  [A] insecurity

  [B] sense of failure

  [C] public speaking

  [D] pressure

  64. Which of the following is NOT the author’s viewpoint?

  [A] Acting like performers spoils the message in a speech.

  [B] Perfection of scripts is necessary in making good impressions.

  [C] Acting naturally means less dependence on the prepared script.

  [D] There should be a balance between actual acting and acting naturally.

  65. What is the author’s view on personality?

  [A] Personality is the key to success in public speaking.

  [B] Extroverts are better public speakers.

  [C] Introverts have to learn harder to be good speakers.

  [D] Factors other than personality ensure better performance.

  66. The author implies that while speaking R. D. Laing

  [A] was both too casual and authentic

  [B] was acting like a performer

  [C] was keeping a good balance

  [D] was aware of his audience

  Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)

  Section A





  49.K该空格前为连词or,由于or前后连接的应为并列成分,因此填入空格处的应为名词。该句意为“正确的判断和分辨正误的能力被称为好的判断力或_____”,结合上文可知填入空格处的名词应与good sense具有相近的意义,结合选项可知K(理智)最符合。

  50.G该空格前有be动词are,空格后为短句,因此填入空格处的应为动词,且为被动形式。该句意为“因此,我们观点的不同并不是因为一些人被更好地_____理智,而是因为我们的思维方式不同,并且我们没有考虑相同的事物”,结合上下文可知该旬意思是说并不是某些人被天生赋予了判断力强的这种能力,因此填入空格处的动词应意为“赋予”,且endow with为固定搭配,意为“赋予”,故只有G最符合。








  Section B

  Passage One








  Passage Two










