


来源 :中华考试网 2016-06-08

  Part III Vocabulary (20 minutes)

  Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

  41. They went to make her feel at home.

  A) out B) about

  C) out of their way D) their way

  42. Many species of animals which once lived on the earth are no longer in .

  A) evidence B) effect

  C) essence D) existence

  43.China's first automatic four-color glass printer was by a worker-technician.

  A) discovered B) recognized

  C) invented D) revealed

  44. When we found out that the village was short of hands for the building of the reservoir, we all went there to .

  A) help out B) lend our hands

  C) give our hands D) their rescue

  45. his accent, he must be from the south.

  A) Concerned B) Determined

  C) Judging by D) Decided by

  46. This middle school is attached a normal college.

  A) for B) by C) to D) in

  47. After a while he to inform me of the progress of the work.

  A) set off B) beginning

  C) began with D) proceeded

  48. The peasants supply the workers with food, and the workers supply the peasants with manufactured goods.

  A) at turn B) on turn

  C) in turn D) by turns

  49. He felt uneasy at the of his mother's illness.

  A) risk B) cost

  C) thought D) point

  50. Peasants over 80 percent of the Chinese population.

  A) make B) consist

  C) are composed D) constitute

  51. The reactionary policemen broke and arrested many progressive students.

  A) out B) into C) in D) off

  52. As far as the quality of tones is concerned, this radio-set is quite .

  A) up to the standard B) up to no good

  C) in demand D) well up in

  53. The mass of an object is multiplied by the speed of light squared; other words, the speed of light is multiplied by itself.

  A) by B) for C) in D) with

  54. People do not like such persons who are always the way of others.

  A) on B) by C) in D) get into

  55. In Japan men usually have to when they reach the age of 55.

  A) abandon B) dismiss C) retire D) resign

  56. Your father likes to play golf; he's really enthusiastic it.

  A) by B) about C) with D) on

  57. I ran Alice, who was on her way to see how I was getting along.

  A) up B) out C) over D) into

  58. He felt quite when he stayed with us.

  A) pleasantly B) anxiously C) at ease D) easily

  59. In less than a year, he came to terms his life and work there.

  A) to B) with C) in D)for

  60. I a girl in Hawaii; we write to each other once a month.

  A) communicate by B) drop a line

  C) correspond to D) correspond with

  61. He longed to visit Beijing, he dreamed about it.

  A) much so that B) so much so much

  C) much so much that D) so much so that

  62. We should read the daily press to keep current events.

  A) under B) track of

  C) faith with D) count of

  63. All the people in this village have black hair. They all each other.

  A) resemble as B) resemble with

  C) resemble D) resemble from

  64. It's unfortunate that our director simply sat our suggestions and did nothing about it.

  A) out B) in C) on D) over

  65. The noise was terrible, but I had to live it.

  A) with B) through C) down D) on

  66. As soon as World War II ended, Einstein urged that atomic energy put to peaceful uses.

  A) is B) would be C) was to D) be

  67. I spoke to the child kindly him.

  A) as not frighten B) so as not to frighten

  C) for not frightening D) in order to not frighten

  68. , she ran out of the room..

  A) Having tears in her eyes and turned suddenly

  B) With a sudden turn, tearful eyes

  C) Turning suddenly, with tears in her eyes

  D) With tears in her eyes and suddenly turning

  69. We were overjoyed at the news of China her own manmade satellite.

  A) to have launched B) to launch

  C) launched D) having launched

  70. enter university one day, I would work very hard.

  A) Would I ever B) Ever would I

  C) Ever should I D) should I ever

