


来源 :中华考试网 2017-08-01



  2010年翩然而至,全球24个时区的万千钟声,此起彼伏,宣告在这人类新千年中,一个10年代的终结,又是另一个10年代的开始。在开局的10年中,中国经济在前9年连续9年保持着9%以上的增长。最后一年,虽受国际金融风暴影响,但依然能保持8%的高增长。 中国犹如中流砥柱,力挽狂澜,使全球目光,再次聚焦于东方。一年多的实践,终使曙光再现。全人类定能以集体的智慧,攻坚克难,度过难关,必将是柳暗花明又一村的新局面。


  With the approaching of 2010, the ringing of bells in 24 time zones around the globe echoes one after another, announcing the lapse of the first decade in the new millennium and the start of another 10 years. Over the past ten years, China’s economy maintained a successive 9% increase for nine years since the beginning of the 21st century and still a 8% growth in the last year of the past decade, albeit influenced by global financial storm. Functioning like a mainstay that makes vigorous endeavors to turn the tide, China, once again, draws global attraction to the East. A silver lining is emerging again after a year-round practice. As long as all the mankind conquer adversities, override difficulties with collective wisdom, there is bound to be a way out.

