


来源 :中华考试网 2017-05-11


  按成本要素计算的国民经济总值 GNP at factor cost

  安第斯集团峰会(拉美国家) Andean Summit

  (手机)按键 keypad

  按键音 keypad tone

  按揭贷款 mortgage loan

  按揭购房 to buy a house on mortgage; to mortgage a house

  有计划按比例发展  planned, proportionate development; develop proportionately; develop in a planned, proportionate way

  安居工程 Comfortable Housing Project

  按距离计费 vary the charge according to how far away the destination is

  按劳分配 distribution according to one’s performance

  暗恋 unrequited love; fall in love with someone secretly

  安全行车 safe driving

  奥林匹克精神 the Olympic ideals; the Olympic spirit

  澳门特别行政区 the Macao Special Administrative Region

  奥委会 Olympic Committee

  澳门大三巴牌坊 Ruins of St. Paul

  奥姆真理教 Japanese Aum Doomsday Cult

  奥运火炬护跑手 escort runner

  奥运人家 Olympic homestays (The “Olympic homestays” program offers foreign visitors a chance to experience Beijing citizens’ real lives. “奥运人家”项目为外国游客提供机会,让他们充分体验地道的北京市民生活。)

  奥运圣火采集仪式 Olympic flame lighting ceremony

  奥运特许商品 Olympic merchandise; franchised goods for Olympic Game

  奥运中心区 Olympic Common Domain (The Olympic Common Domain is set to open to the public free of charge Friday, the Beijing Times reported Wednesday. But tickets are needed to visit the Olympic venues, such as the Bird’s Nest, the Water Cube and the National Indoor Stadium. Prior to the reopening, the OCD return such facilities as security check roofs to the national Olympic committee. 《京华时报》8日报道,奥林匹克公园中心区拟于周五向游客免费开放,但鸟巢、水立方、国家体育馆等奥运场馆仍需购票游览,票价尚未确定。据悉,此次开放前中心区将向奥组委归还安检棚等临时物资。)

  奥运专用车道 olympic driveway, special driveway for Beijing Olympic vehicles (Workers began to mark the special driveways for Beijing Olympic vehicles with five Olympic rings Saturday night. 周六晚,北京奥运专用车道施划工作正式展开,地面标识为奥运五环图案。)

  《阿Q正传》 The True Story of Ah Q

  立法委员会 Legislative Council

