来源 :中华考试网 2017-03-30
1. 国有大中型企业建立现代企业制度的改革取得重要发展。
Significant advances were made in the establishment of a modern corporate structure in large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises.
2. 工业生产呈现快速增长。
Fast growth was registered in industrial production.
3. 医药卫生体制改革取得重要进展。
Major advances were made in reform of the drug an medical management.
4. 素质教育继续推进。
We continue to develop education designed to raise the overall quality of students.
5. 我原打算在今年二月访问印度,后来不得不推迟,这使我非常失望。
It was a keen disappointment when I had to postpone the visit which I intended to pay to India in February this year.
6. 激光可以应用于许多科学领域,又适合于各种实际用途,因而成为了近年来轰动一时的科学成就之一。
Laser is one of the most sensational developments in recent years, because of its applicability to many fields of science and its adaptability to practical uses.