


来源 :中华考试网 2020-11-03



  请看相关报道:Chinese People's Volunteers (CPV) army veterans who fought in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea (1950-1953) have been granted memorial medals as China marks the 70th anniversary of the CPV army entering the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) in the war.今年是中国人民志愿军抗美援朝出国作战70周年,参加抗美援朝出国作战的志愿军老战士被授予“中国人民志愿军抗美援朝出国作战70周年”纪念章。



  请看相关报道:The amended Law on Protection of Minors has almost twice as many clauses as the old version of the law and includes a new chapter on internet protection in a bid to protect those under the age of 18 when they are online.新修订的《未成年人保护法》比现行法律增加了近一倍条款,并新增“网络保护”章,以保护未成年人网络安全。

  针对未成年人沉迷网络等问题,新修订的《未成年人保护法》作出规定:Internet product and service providers shall not offer minors with products and services that induce addiction, says the revision.网络产品和服务提供者不得向未成年人提供诱导其沉迷的产品和服务。

  Providers of online services, including game, livestream, audio and video, and social media, shall set up corresponding functions such as time limit, authorization and consumption limit for minors, according to the revision.网络游戏、网络直播、网络音视频、网络社交等网络服务提供者应当针对未成年人使用其服务设置相应的时间管理、权限管理、消费管理等功能。

  在应对网络欺凌方面,新修订的《未成年人保护法》作出规定,The minors under cyberbullying and their parents and guardians have the right to inform the internet service providers to take measures such as deleting, blocking or disconnecting links.遭受网络欺凌的未成年人及其父母或者其他监护人有权通知网络服务提供者采取删除、屏蔽、断开链接等措施。

  Upon receiving the notice, the service provider shall take necessary measures to stop the bullying and prevent the spread of related information, says the revision.网络服务提供者接到通知后,应当及时采取必要的措施制止网络欺凌行为,防止信息扩散。

  向性侵和欺凌说不The revision also makes provisions on sexual assault and harassment against minors, stipulating that schools and kindergartens shall not conceal such illegal and criminal acts, and shall promptly report to the public security and education authorities, and cooperate with relevant departments according to law.对性侵害、性骚扰未成年人等违法犯罪行为,学校、幼儿园不得隐瞒,应当及时向公安机关、教育行政部门报告,并配合相关部门依法处理。

  The revised law makes it clear that the country should establish a database of offenders who sexually assault, abuse, abduct or violently harm children and share the information with facilities that work with minors.国家建立性侵害、虐待、拐卖、暴力伤害等违法犯罪人员信息查询系统,向密切接触未成年人的单位提供免费查询服务。

  强化各方报告义务Hotel operators should ask children for the phone numbers of their parents or guardians when they try to check in alone or with other adults. The operators must call police quickly if they uncover a suspected crime or violation of the law.旅馆、宾馆、酒店等住宿经营者接待未成年人入住,或者接待未成年人和成年人共同入住时,应当询问父母或者其他监护人的联系方式等有关情况;发现有违法犯罪嫌疑的,应当立即向公安机关报告。



  请看相关报道:China will ban the production of mercury thermometers and sphygmomanometersnationwide starting in 2026, according to the statement.通知指出,自2026年起,我国将全面禁止生产含汞体温计和含汞血压计产品。

  通知提到:Medical equipment manufacturers with valid registration certificates and production licenses are allowed to continue their production of such medical devices and will be granted renewal of their certificates until Dec 31, 2025.已经取得医疗器械注册证的含汞体温计和含汞血压计产品,原注册证在证书有效期内继续有效,注册证有效期届满可以申请延续注册,但限定其注册证有效期不得超过2025年12月31日。

  In terms of those who are in the process of acquiring production certification, the administration still will issue registration certificates and production licenses in accordance with the regulation, with the validity period not exceeding Dec 31, 2025.已经按照医疗器械受理的含汞体温计和含汞血压计产品,继续按照医疗器械进行审评审批,准予注册的,发给医疗器械注册证,限定其注册证书有效期不得超过2025年12月31日。

  我国是首批加入《关于汞的水俣公约》(the Minamata Convention on Mercury)的国家,该公约简称为 《水俣公约》,其目标是保护人体健康和环境免受汞和汞化合物人为排放和释放的危害(to protect human health and the environment from the adverse effects of anthropogenic releases of mercury)。《水俣公约》得名于日本城市水俣,1950年代后期,水俣当地居民受到被汞污染的工业废水(the release of mercury into industrial wastewater)的毒害。全球通过了《关于汞的水俣公约》,以纪念因汞中毒而丧生的众多遇难者,并要求相关行业吸取教训。该公约通过采用现有的较好做法以及较安全替代品,对汞的生命周期进行管控来帮助所有国家。



  请看相关报道:China will allow citizens over 70 to apply for driving licenses, on condition that their health meets the requirements for safe driving, the Ministry of Public Security announced.公安部表示,身体条件达到安全驾驶要求的情况下,70岁以上的人员可以申请驾照。

  允许70岁以上人员申请的驾照类型分别为小型汽车(compact cars)、小型自动挡汽车(compact automatic transmission cars)、轻便摩托车(lightweight motorcycle)。

  Applicants over 70 will have to pass tests of their memory, judgment, reaction time and other abilities to ensure they are capable of driving safely. They will also need to have a medical checkup and submit the result each year.70周岁以上人员考领驾驶证的,增加记忆力、判断力、反应力等能力测试,保证身体条件符合安全驾驶要求,且需每年进行一次身体检查,提交体检证明。

  其他年龄限制调整The minimum age requirement for a driver's license for a large coach will be reduced from 26 to 22, and that for a driver's license for a towing vehicle from 24 to 22. The upper age limit for a driver's license for large or medium-sized passenger cars and trucks will be raised from 50 to 60.对于申请大型客车、牵引车驾驶证的年龄下限由26周岁、24周岁降低至22周岁,申请大中型客货车驾驶证年龄上限由50周岁调整至60周岁。

  扩大体检医疗机构范围License applicants will be able to have the checkups in nearby medical institutions, including township hospitals, community health service centers and physical examination centers.驾照申请者可选择就近的乡镇卫生院、社区卫生服务中心、健康体检中心等医疗机构进行体检。

  扩大机动车免检范围Excluding minivans, noncommercial cars with seven to nine seats that have been in operation for more than six years but less than 10 years will no longer need to pass an annual inspection. Instead, they will now be inspected once every two years.对非营运小微型客车(面包车除外)超过6年不满10年的,由每年检验1次调整为每两年检验1次。

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