


来源 :中华考试网 2018-10-22


  a highly volat i le internat ional s i tuat ion 国际局势风云变幻

  internat ional organizat ions 国际性组织

  state sovereignty and secur i ty 国家的主权和安全

  compr ehensive improvement of land and r esources 国土资源综合整治

  common aspi rat ions of al l peoples 国人的共同愿望

  peace, just ice and progress 和平,正义,进步

  negot iat ions and peaceful reuni ficat ions 和平统一谈判

  broaden the fields of endeavor 拓宽领域

  the complete real izat ion of the r euni f icat ion of the mother land 完成祖国统一

  law-breaker s mus t be prosecuted 违法必究

  the sole cr i ter ion 唯一标准

  heal th and spor ts under takings 卫生体育事业

  adequate food and clothing program 温饱工程

  brave di fficul t ies 迎难而上

  give pr efer ent ial t reatment to the fami l ies of servicemen and mar tyr s (拥军)优属

  suppor t the government 拥政

  enjoy a last ing peace 永享太平

  the eternal soul of the army 永远不变的军魂

  accountabi l i ty for neglect of supervi sor y duty 用人失察责任追究

  accountabi l i ty for the use of the wrong per son 用人失误责任追究

  opt imize st ructur e 优化结构

  opt imize and upgrade 优化升级

  the laws observed 有法必依

  there are laws to go by 有法可依

  supervi sory funct ion of the media 舆论监督

