


来源 :中华考试网 2018-09-15


  步步高升 gradually rise to eminence

  步子要稳当 go forward on a solid footing

  部署力量 deploy one's forces

  财产不受侵犯 inviolability of property

  财务拨款 financial appropriations

  财政分级管理 tiered financial management system

  财政巨头 financial magnate

  财政收入回升 Revenue increases

  财政收支 revenues and expenditures

  财政专户管理 management of special financial accounts

  参政党 government coalition party

  参政议政 participation in and deliberation of state affairs

  残疾人工作 work concerning the disabled

  草地植被 grassland vegetation cover

  草木皆兵 be suspicious of everything

  层层加码 increase the quotas at each level

  查办大案要案 investigate and deal with major and important cases

  查无实据 No evidence is found after the investigation

  产粮省 grain-growing province

  产品验收制度 system of product inspection

  产权界定 delimitation of property rights

  产权收益 income from property

  产销直接见面 direct links between the producer and the seller

  产业投资资金 industrial investment fund

  长期低息贷款 long-term low-interest loan

  长期国库券 treasury bond

  长期人寿保险 long-term life insurance

  长途通信电缆 long-distance telecommunications cable

  尝苦头 drain the cup of bitterness / suffer

  常住人口登记 permanent population register / registration of permanent residents

  场内交易人 floor trader

  畅销报纸 mass-circulation newspaper

  敞开思想,畅所欲言 speak one's mind freely and fully

