


来源 :中华考试网 2018-03-14


  形成全方位、多层次、宽领域的开放格局 form an all-directional, mult i-layered and wide-ranging opening pattern

  形而上学 metaphysics

  刑法 penal code; criminal law

  兴奋剂 stimulants

  幸福感指数 happiness index (The happiness index of people in Jiangsu, Sichuan, Fujian provinces and Chongqing municipality was found to be high, with half of families saying they were satisfied with family life, while people living in big cit ies like Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen were not so lucky. 调查发现,江苏、四川、福建和重庆四个省市居民的幸福感指数较高,有一半的家庭表示他们对家庭生活感到满意,而住在北京、上海、深圳等大城市的人却不这么认为。)

  性贿赂 sexual bribes (A 70-year-old professor at Beijing’s Central Conservatory of Music has confessed to accepting sexual bribes and RMB100000 from a girl applying for a doctoral position. 中央音乐学院一位70岁的教授日前向校方坦白,自己曾与一名女学生发生肉体关系,并收受该生10万元贿赂以帮助其顺利考上该校博士研究生。)

  行贿受贿 offer and take bribes

  星火计划 Spark Program

  星级饭店 star-rated hotel (The country is planning to accelerate a mechanism with which to strip poorly run hotels of their star rankings in order to protect the image of all the 15,000 star-rated hotels across the country. 为维护全国一万五千家星级饭店的形象,国家计划加快建立星级饭店退出机制,以便将那些经营不善的星级饭店淘汰出局。)

  性价比 cost performance

  性教育 sex education

  刑警 criminal police

  型男 stylish man (Move aside Brad Pitt, US President Barack Obama has beaten all the usual male style icons to be named the world's most stylish man in an online poll. 一项在线投票显示,美国总统奥巴马力压知名影星布拉德·皮特,在全球时尚型男排行榜上独占鳌头。)

  星期日泰晤士报 the Sunday Times

  性侵犯 sexual assault (A court in the capital convicted a security guard of intentional injury for raping his male co lleague and sentenced him to one year in jail in what is believed to be the first prosecution of a sexual assault of a man. 近日一名保安将他的男同事强奸,北京法院以故意伤害罪判处其有期徒刑一年,这是首例对男性遭受性侵犯起诉的案件。)

  星球大战计划 Star Wars Program

  性骚扰 sexual harrassment; sexual disturbance

  行使否决权 exercise the veto

  刑事诉讼 criminal proceedings

