


来源 :中华考试网 2018-04-04



  60 年来特别是改革开放 30 年来,中国取得了举世瞩目的发展成就,经济实力和综合国力显著增强,各项社会事业全面进步,人民生活从温饱不足发展到总体小康,中国社会迸发出前所未有的活力和创造力。




  China has achieved remarkable progress in those 60 years, particularly in the last 30 years since reform and opening-up. China‟s economy and comprehensive national strength have grown significantly and various social programs have made big strides. The Chinese people,once lacking basic living necessities, are now leading a moderately prosperous life, and the whole society is showing unprecedented dynamism and creativity.

  We are keenly aware, however, that China remains the world‟s largest developing country.The difficulties and problems that we face in development are rarely seen in any other part of the world in terms of their scale and complexity. We still have a long way to go before we can build, in a comprehensive way, a moderately prosperous society of a higher level that will benefit the more than one billion Chinese people, and then achieve basic modernization and bring common prosperity to all our people.

  We will, in the light of our national conditions, continue to follow the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, persist in reform and opening-up, promote scientific development and social harmony, and achieve all-round progress in the economic, political,cultural, social and environmental fields. We will ensure that our development is for the people and by the people and the fruits of development are shared among the people.

