


来源 :中华考试网 2017-10-11



  西柏坡纪念馆是以中国共产党的发展史为主题组织展览,属于国家一级博物馆。 纪念馆于1978年5月26日揭幕,建筑面积3344平方米。现有10座展厅,分别为一座序厅和9座专题展厅,按照时间顺序,分为“走进西柏坡”“废除封建土地所有制”“指导晋察冀斗争”“大决战”“兵民是胜利之本”“七届二中全会”“筹建新中国”“难忘的岁月”和“继往开来”等主题,展示中国共产党的发展史。


  As a national first-class museum, Xibaipo Memorial Hall is designed for the exhibition with the development history of the Communist Party of China as the theme. It was inaugurated on May 26, 1978. With a construction area of 3344 square meters, it has 10 exhibition halls, a sequence hall and 9 special-subject exhibition halls, and in terms of time sequence, it is divided into the themes including "Moving to Xibaipo", "Abolishing Feudal Land Ownership", "Guiding the Struggles in Shanxi, Chahar and Hebei", "Decisive Battle", "Soldiers and People Form the Foundation of Victory", "The Second Plenary Session of the 7th Central Committee", "Preparing to Found the P.R.C.", "Unforgettable Years" and "Carrying on the Past and Opening a Way for Future" to show the development history of the Communist Party of China

