


来源 :中华考试网 2017-07-05


  1. 据最新一期的澳大利亚医学期刊内容,澳洲研究员呼吁该国提升儿童血液含铅量的准则。

  【参考答案】 Australian researchers are calling for an upgrading of national guidelines on lead levels in the blood of children, according to the latest Medical Journal of Australia on Monday.

  2. 立陶宛中央选举委员会周一宣布新一届议会的选举结果,新议会将在本月召开第一次全体会议。

  【参考答案】 The Central Electoral Commission of Lithuania on Monday announced the final results of the new parliamentary elections, the new parliament will hold its first plenary meeting this month.


  【参考答案】 U.S.President Barack Obama and Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney on Monday both spent their final full day of campaigning with packed schedules across eight swing states.


  【参考答案】 Peru's National Police seized almost 1 ton of cocaine and arrested four alleged drug traffickers, the country’s Interior Minister Wilfredo Pedraza said Monday.

  5. 分析师称,无论美国总统大选和中国共产党全国代表大会结果为何,双边关系将在合作、竞争和协调中持续前进。

  【参考答案】 Despite the upcoming U.S. presidential polls and the NCCPC, analysts say bilateral relations will continue to go ahead amid cooperation, competition and coordination.


  【参考答案】 The Group of Twenty industrialized economies Monday in Mexico City, Mexico, called for greater commitment to ensure global growth and reduce global economic risks.

  7. 据美国一项为期10年并追踪14,500名男士的研究,每日服用多种维生素并不会减低心脏病发作和中风的风险。

  【参考答案】 According to a US study that followed more than 14,500 men for over a decade, taking a daily multivitamin didn't cut the risk of heart attack and stroke.

