来源 :中华考试网 2018-01-26
中入场 march in (More than 4000 athletes started to march in the National Stadium at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Paralympics Saturday night. 6日晚,在国家体育场举行的残奥会开幕式上,4000 多名运动员开始入场。)
瑞雪兆丰年 A timely snow promises a good harvest.
弱肉强食法则 law of the jungle
弱势群体 disadvantaged groups
弱势群体 vulnerable groups ("Also, public attitude is inclined to sympathize with vulnerable groups," Xie said, adding that public opinion would eventually influence public policy. 上海发展战略研究所谢耘耕说:“而且,公众态度倾向于同情弱势群体。”他补充说,舆论将最终影响国家政策。)
入 住 率 occupancy rate (Latest statistics indicated the occupancy rate of Shanghai hotels is currently sitting at 40%, a sharp decline from the same period last year. 最新数据表明,上海酒店入住率目前仅为 40%,比去年同期大幅下降。)
赛季 sports competition season
塞翁失马,焉知非福 Misfortune may be an actual blessing.
三八红旗手 woman pace-setter
三八线 38th Parallel
360 度环幕电影 Circamara
三班倒 three shifts
三步走战略 the three-step development strategy
三产 tertiary industry
三大法宝 the three main and effective method
三大作风 the Party's three important styles of work (integrat ing theory with practice, forging close links with the masses and practicing self-crit icism) 三废
(废气、废水、废渣) “three wastes ”(waste gas, waste water and waste residues)
三分钟热度 brief period of enthusiasm
三高农业 "three highs" agriculture (high yield, high quality and high efficiency agriculture)
三 个 代 表 three represents theory (the Party must always represent the requirements of the development of China's advanced productive forces, the orientation of the development of China's advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people in China.)
三个有利于 three favorables (whether it promotes the growth of the productive forces in a socialist society, increases the overall strenth of the socialist state and raises the people's living standards
三股企业 three-share enterprises—enterprises whose shares are purchased by government departments, local authorities and other enterprises
《三国演义》 The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
三好学生 merit student; three good student(good in study, attitude and health)
散户 retail / private investor
三讲教育(讲学习、讲政治、讲正气)three emphases education (to stress theoretical study, political awareness and good conduct); stress the need to study, to be political-minded and to be honest and upright
"三讲" 教育 "Three Emphasis" Education
三角恋爱 love triangle
三角债 chain debt
散客 individual traveler
山不在高,有仙则名 "No matter how high the mountain is, its name will spread far and wide if there is a fairy; "
闪电战 blitz; lightning war
闪客 flash