


来源 :中华考试网 2017-12-08

  仓储式超市 stockroom-style supermarket

  藏 书 票 book labels identifying a collector (or collection) 舱 外 航 天 服 extra

  vehicular activity suits (Chinese only spent 4 years in developing its own EVA

  (extra vehicular act ivity) suits. Putting on the suit will take about 14 hours. 我国用 4 年时间研制出了自己的舱外航天服。航天服的拆包、组装、测试、穿着,整个过程要持续 14 个小时。)

  参照国际通行做法 follow standard international practices

  操办 make arrangements

  草根工业 grass root industry (refers to village and township enterprises which

  take root among farmers and grow like wold grass)

  草药 herbal medicine

  操纵比赛 game-rigging (The Ministry of Public Security set up a special task

  force to investigate alleged game-rigging in September 2006, when rumors of

  under-table deals and fixing ran rife. 2006 年 9 月,有关幕后交易和非法操纵的流言


  操纵股票市场 manipulate the stock market

  操作系统 operating system

  侧记 sidelights

  层层转包和违法分包 mult i-level contracting and illegal sub-contracting

  茶道 sado

  差额拨款 balance allocat ion

  差额投票 differentail voting

  差额选举 competitive election

  查房 make/go the rounds of the wards

  查封 close down

  插杠子 poke one's nose into someone's businesses

  茶话会 tea forum; tea party

  插件 plug-in unit

  茶艺 tea ceremony

  插嘴 interrupt; chip in

  拆东墙补西墙 rob Peter to pay Paul

  差旅费 expenses for business trips

  拆迁补偿费 compensation for demolition

  拆迁费用 removal expense

  拆迁户 households or units relocated due to building demolition

  拆台 let someone down; cut the ground from under someone's feet

  禅 dhyana

  产假 maternity leave

  产粮大省 granary province

  产品更新换代 upgrade of products

  产品构成 product composition

  产品积压overstocked products; accumulation of inventories; stock pile;excessive inventory

  产品结构 product mix

