


来源 :中华考试网 2019-02-20


  经济双赢 economic win-win 关税壁垒 tariff barrier

  收入不平等 wage inequality 劳动生产率 labor productivity

  解雇工人 lay off works 生产要素 factor of production

  双边协议 bilateral deal 回归分析 regression analysis

  市场准入 market access 世界经济复苏 world economic recovery

  价格溢价 price premium 基线销售 base-line sales

  减价 price reductions 广告支出 advertising spending

  营销组合 marketing mix 销量溢价 quantity premium

  产品数量(种类) product-line variety 美元分配 allocation of dollars

  日常生活 daily life 广告活动 advertising campaigns

  物理特征 physical characteristic 视觉想象 visual imagination

  国内媒体 national media 销售增长 sales increase

  销售渠道 distribution system 产品到导向型的广告 product-orientated advertising

  企业并购 mergers and acquisition 海外扩张 overseas expansion

  全球化战略 globalization strategy 保护主义措施 protectionist measures

  市场准入 access of market 知识产权 intellectual property right

  贸易伙伴 trading partners 资本投入 capital investment

  通用/公认会计准则 generally accepted accounting principles

  收益确认 revenue recognition

  损益表/收益表 income statement

  每股收益 earnings per share

  常务/执行董事 managing director

  信用评级机构 credit-rating agencies

  财务管理人员/主管 finance chiefs/ executives

  机构投资者/投资机构 institutional investors

  ◊楼市暴跌 housing crush/ collapse

  ◊维持价格稳定 maintain price stability

  ◊核心通货嘭胀率 core inflation rate

  ◊消费者物价指数 consumer price index (CPI)

  ◊资产负债表 balance sheet

  ◊预除负面影响 forestall the adverse effects

  ◊政策框架 policy framework

  ◊市场预期 market expectations

  新兴市场 emerging markets

  金融危机 financial meltdown

  民间暴乱 civil disturbance

  股票价格 share prices

  风险溢价 risk premium

  政治周旋 political spin

  平衡竞争环境 level the play field

  利害关系 have a stake in

  数据采集 data-mining

  博弈论 game theory

  实施战略execute strategy

  竞争优势 competitive advantage

  实证研究empirical studies

  核心品牌core brand

  分销系统distribution system

  控股公司a holding company

  文化冲突culture clashes

  股东财富shareholders wealth

  员工离职 staff turnover

  涨薪 pay rises

  安然丑闻 the Enron scandal

  甄别程序 selection praedure

  新员工 raw recruits

  职业阶梯 career ladder

  董事会主席 board director

  公司结构 organizational structure

  连续创新者 a serial innovator

  行业危机 industry crises

  商务舱 business class

  高级管理层 senior management

  产品开发 product development

  同伴压力 peer pressure

  地勤部门 ground services department

  恐怖袭击 terrorist attack

  从无到有,白手起家 from scratch

  点击欺诈 click fraud

  利基市场,细分市场 niche market

  迫切需要 cry out for

  如大家所说 by all accounts

  消灭,彻底摧毁 wipe out

  蓄意侵犯 willfully infringe on

  严格控制,严加管束 rein in

  赚钱 pull in

  最大的一份 lion’s share

  操纵价格 price manipulation/manipulation of price

  成形,初具规模 take shape

  粗制滥造 churn out

  客户忠诚度 customer loyalty

  全力应付,努力克服 wrestle with

  全球水资源匮乏 global water scarcity

  替代能源 alternative resources

  温室气体排放 greenhouse gas emission

  新兴市场 emerging market

  致力于 commit oneself to

