

来源 :中华考试网 2020-06-05

  machine fault机器故障

  例:It's a machine fault that's holding everything up.之所以耽搁,是因为机器出 了 点故障。

  mail order 邮购

  例: Another type of selling is by mail order. This may be complimented by telesales staff.另一种销售方式是通过邮购,与其相配套的是电话推销人员。

  mail order company 邮购公司

  例:Mail order companies normally have warehouses from where the goods are despatched.邮购公司通常都设有仓库,货物从那里发送。

  mail service邮政服务

  mailshot 1 (寄给潜在客户的)邮寄广告信函

  例1: A mailshot tells possible customers, for example, about a new product or service. 寄给潜在客户的广告宣传信函通常包括对某种新产品或服务的介绍。

  例 2: Half of the last mailshot has been returned because the addresses are out of date. 上 次寄出的邮寄广告信函有一半都因为地址更换被退了回来。

  mailshot 2邮购目录

  例: The last month the insurer Direct Line launched pet insurance for a trial period, sending out mailshots to its existing customers.上个月,直线保险公司试推出宠物保险, 并向现有客户邮寄了目录。

  mainstream airline 大航空公司

  例: Low-cost airlines are offering packages more commonly associated with mainstream airlines .低成本航空公司如今开始提供常见于大航空公司的一揽子机上服务。

  maintenance 维修

  例:The lights keep going off. We'll have to get maintenance to fix them.灯老是熄灭。 得找人来修修了。

  make 1 (产品的)牌子

  例: A friend of mine recently bought a really well-known make and it's been back to the shop twice already.我的一位朋友最近买了 一台绝对响当当的名牌货,却已经回店修 了两次了。

  make 2类型、型号、式样

  例:1 don't like the make of this coat.我不喜欢这件外衣的式样。


  managed fund管理基金

  例: Some investors try to remove the element of risk by paying regular sum into a managed fund over a long period of time, 一些投资者长期把一笔固定金额投入管理基金, 试图以此来转移风险因素c

  managed interest rate有管理的利率(由政府控制的利率)

  例: When interest rates changet the managed interest rate is slow to react.当利率发生 变化时,有管理的利率通常反应滞后。

  manage locally管理本土化,本土管理

  例: While increasing control over their investments, mullinaiionals are working hard to train local staff so that their Chinese businesses can eventually be jnanaged locally. 在加 大对其投资債理的同时,抻国企业努力培养当地员工.使其在中国的企业最终实现管 理本土化。

  management (企业、机关等的)管理人员,管理部门,经理部

  例: A significant amount of management time has been devoted to providir^ a relaxing, highly visual and efficient environment which makes shopping a pleasure. 公司 管理 部 门 投入了大量时问,为顾客提供一个轻松、明亮、高效的环境,使购物成为一种快乐.

  management and staff 经理部及全体员工

  例:[should now like to say a few words on behalf of the mana^inmt and staff of Pacific Industries,现在,我想代表太平洋实业公司经理部及全体员工说几句话.

  management assessment centre 管理(人员)评估中心,一种多在甄选管理人员时 采用的甄选方式,主要内容包括in-basket (公文篮训练/公文处理模拟法)、leader-

  less group discussion (无领导群体讨论/自然群体讨论)、management games (管理竞 赛)、prescniation (口头报告)、objective test (客观测试).intervew (面谈)等。

  management buyout管理层购入全部股权(通常为濒临破产或将被收购的公司) 例:Somuimcs, in an attempt to avoid a takeover, senior staff will atlempt a manage- buymt .有时,为了避免被收购,管理层会力图购入全部股权。

  management consultancy 管理咨询公司

  management consultant (公司、商店等聘请的)业务顾问,管理顾问

  management development加强管理,改善管理 '

  例: Two of the most effective activities of mattage/fient development are learning through experience and performance management.加强;管理的两项:ft有效的活动是从实践经验 中学习和绩效管理。

  management game管理竞赛游戏(一种招聘甄选或培训管理人员的手段,让参加者

  management process管理程序,管理环节

  例: Typical management processes include planning, budgetir^ and human resource management. 典型的管理程序包括规划、预算和人力资源管理。

  management staff 管理人员

  managerial skill 管理技能

  例:It's very important to improve managerial skills of management staff,提.高 管理人 员的管理技能徐重要。

  managing director (企业、公司等的)总裁,总经理,在美国有时也被称做chief

  executive 或 president

  例: The managing director reported on the company's performance for 1994/ 1995 and compared it with previous years.总经理报吿了公司在1994至1995年度的运作情况, 并将其与前几年作了比较°

  mandatory plan强制性计划

  例: A company scheme (such as pension scheme) which employees have to join is called a mandatory plan .公司规定人人都得參加的保险计划(如养老金计划)被称为强制性 保险计划。

  manufacturer 厂家,等于 producer

  例 1: a manufacturer of promorional goods 广吿宣传品厂家

  例 2: As the manufacturer ; we obviously must ensure that products reach cusiomers with maximum efficiency.作为生产厂家,毫无疑问我们必须保证产品以最高效率到 达客户手中。

  manufacturer's recommended price 厂家建议零售价(指制造商建议的零售价格。零 吿商常低于此价出售,以鼓励人们购买〉

  例: The shop sells goods for less than the manujacturer ' s recommended price .这 家商 店以低于厂家建议零倍价的价格出售商品G

  manufacturer^ store制造商销售门市部,即制造商不通过中间商直接向消费者销售 其商品的商店,其目的是为了减少销售中间环节,接近消费者,便于了解消费者 的需求变化。

  map统计地图(以简明的地图为背景,用点、线、形象或颜色之不同或代表数量之 不同,表明某现象在有关地区分布状况的一种图形)


  例 1: Decisions on pricir^ must realize rnar-gins for the retailer of up to 25% . 定价决定 必须保证让零售商获得25%的利润。

  例 2: Some businesses have good margins because the cost of production is low.由于生 产成本低廉,一些生意获利颇丰。

  例 3: The new banks will eveniually want to widen margins and boost profits. 这些新开 办的银行最终还是会希望扩大利差,提高利派L

  market access and entry 市场准入

  例:Every country protects local enterprises and interests by maintaining control over market access and entry,每个国家都会通过对市场准入实行管制来保护当地企业及其 利益。

  market analyst市场分析员

  例: A market analyst is a person with specialist knowledge of a specific market who often predicts what will happen and tries to explain what has happened. 市场分析 员 是拥有某 个特定市场专业知识,往往能预测市场并试图对市场现象做出解释的人。

  market behaviour 市场彳亍为

  例: When preparing information for pricing decisions, the accountant should be aware of market b^ha-mour .在为制定价格准备相关资料时,会计应了橢市场行为。

  market capitalization上市公司股票市值,(公司)资本的市场总值(把已发行股份 数目乘以毎股市价所得的公司价值),亦作market valuation

  例:This company has a ^market capitalization of £ 315 million.这家公司的上市股票 市值为31 500万英镑。

  market development 市场开发

  例; Market development is as much as lunchtime activity as an analytic one.市场开发既 是一项分析活动,也是午餐时间的交际活动。


  例: We now know that being customer-oriented is only part of what it means to be market-driven .如今我们知道面向顾客只是市场导向观念的一部分内容d


  例 1: Some companies are quick to blame marketers when things go wrong. 一 旦 经营出 现差错,一些公司往往就把过错归咎于营销人员。

  例 2: She has been a successful marketer since she started her own marketir^ consultancy twenty years施o.自从20多年前创办自己的营销咨询公司以来.她一直是一名出色 的营销商。

  market forecast 市场预测

  例: The forecast which predicts how much money will be received or spent by a business is the market forecast 里产品聚好销,会创造多少价值,这种预测被祢为市场预 测。

  marketing assistant 营销助理

  marketing audit营销审核,营销审计

  例: A complete marketing audit will demonstrate all aspects of our performance in terms of meeting our market冋objectives-彻底的营销审计将•全面显示公司管销目标的完成 情况C

  marketing Consultancy 营销咨询公司

  例: Marketing comultancy is a business which specializes in giving advice and support to companies about marketir^ and markets .营销咨询公司是为企业提供营销而市场咨询 服务的专业公司。

  marketing director 营销部主管

  marketing ethics市场营销道徳准则

  例: People who are concerned with society are typically interested in marketing ethics. 关心社会的人对市场營销道德准则尤其感兴趣。

  marketing manager 营销部经理

  例:1 work as a marketing manager for a lai^e pharmaceuticals company.我在一家大型 制药公司任营销部经理。

  marketing mania 营销狂热



