来源 :中华考试网 2016-03-05
中2 The factors that shape the culture of the organisation
The six major influences on the culture of an organisation are as follows:
§ Size – how large is the organisation – in terms of turnover, physical size, employee numbers?
§ Technology – how technologically advanced is the organisation – either in terms of its product, or its productive processes?
§ Diversity – how diverse is the company – either in terms of product range, geographical spread or cultural make-up of its stakeholders?
§ Age – how old is the business or the managers of the business – do its strategic level decision makers have experience to draw upon?
§ History – what worked in the past? Do decision makers have past successes to draw upon; are they willing to learn from their mistakes?
§ Ownership – is the organisation owned by a sole trade? Are there a small number of institutional shareholders or are there large numbers of small shareholders?